Decision details

Accommodation Strategy Update 2014

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources on the winding up of ‘ASAP’ (the Accommodation Strategy Action Programme) and Vacation of Marland House project, seeking approval to combine the remaining budget from these schemes into a new project to cover the next phase of the Accommodation Strategy (which will potentially encompass the vacation of One Guildhall Square).


(i)  To approve the next phase of the Accommodation Strategy to enable the potential vacation of One Guildhall Square, followed by Service Properties through the implementation of further accommodation changes to in order to generate ongoing revenue savings.

(ii)  Subject to the conclusion of successful negotiations with a third party, to approve the grant of a lease of the Council’s office space within OGS and delegate authority to the Head of Property, Procurement and Health & Safety and the Head of Legal and Democratic Services to finalise the detailed terms and complete the lease.

(iii)  To add in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules a sum of £1,837,000 to the Resources Portfolio Capital programme in 2014/15 to enable the next phase of the accommodation strategy to be implemented.

(iv)  To vire in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules a sum of £742,000 from the Accommodation Strategy Action Programme (ASAP) and £1,095,000 from the Vacation of Marland House schemes within the Resources Portfolio Capital programme to the newly created scheme for the next phase of the accommodation strategy

(v)  To note the revenue under spend of £425,000 as set out in the report and approve the extended scope of this remaining budget to now include spend to support the next phase of the accommodation strategy.

(vi)  To note that the existing authority delegated to the Director of Corporate Services will continue to be applied, to allocate premises related resources (revenue and capital) to enable any works necessary to be delivered to ensure the implementation of this next phase of the Accommodation Strategy.

Reasons for the decision:

  1. To approve the changes to the Accommodation Strategy and put in place appropriate funding and approvals for its ongoing implementation to facilitate future accommodation changes as required.
  2. To enable the Council to lease its office space in One Guildhall Square to a third party to enable a further rationalisation of office accommodation to generate an ongoing saving to the council from both a reduction in running costs and an additional rental income.
  3. To enable the Council to vacate and dispose of Service Property.

Alternative options considered:

Leasing in new office premises is more costly than the proposals set out in this report.

Other Relevant Matters Concerning the Decision:


Report author: Annabel Fox

Publication date: 15/07/2014

Date of decision: 15/07/2014

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2014 - Cabinet

Effective from: 24/07/2014

Accompanying Documents: