Decision details

Review of Amendments and Approval of Revised SotonSafe Plan Version 6

Decision Maker: Officer Decision Making

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Emergency Planning Manager seeking approval to Version 6 of the SotonSafe Plan for publication. 


In order to comply with the Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Public Information Regulations 2001, Southampton City Council, as the ‘offsite’ statutory agency, is required to approve an offsite emergency plan to deal with any nuclear accident that may reasonably occur when a nuclear powered submarine is berthed in the Port of Southampton.  There is a duty to review, amend and where necessary reissue the plan within a three year cycle.  


(i)  To approve logistical, organisational and grammatical amendments to the Plan, as set out within Appendix 1 of this report.

(ii)  To authorise the Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Manager to make such typographical and textual amendments to the draft Plan as may be required to give effect to this decision prior to publication.

(iii)  To approve Version 6 of the Plan for publication.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  Having fully considered this matter in consultation with statutory partners and public interface the Emergency Planning Manager (EPM) considers that no major changes have occurred since the last revision of the Plan and that the amendments, which are primarily organisational and technical in nature, meet the requirement of all related legislation. 

2.  It is anticipated that the revised Plan will, subject to approval, be published either in late December or early in January 2013.  No submarine visits to the Port will take place during the intervening period.


Alternative options considered:

(i)  Do nothing, retain current arrangements.  This would potentially breach our legal and moral obligation to review and revise in a timely manner and to reflect organisational and technical changes that have occurred since the last review of the Plan.

(ii)  Approve further, more major infrastructural changes to the Plan. Testing and review of the plan, including review by the relevant statutory regulator, has demonstrated that the plan is considered fit for purpose without further major changes being required. In addition, no major or significant changes have occurred to the Port, City or Operators Plan requirements within the review period that would render changes to the Plan necessary in order to accommodate a change in circumstances relevant to the off-site safety plan.

Report author: Graham Wyeth

Publication date: 20/12/2012

Date of decision: 20/12/2012

Decided at meeting: 20/12/2012 - Officer Decision Making

Effective from: 03/01/2013

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