Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the report Cabinet Member for
Homes and Culture seeking approval of the Disabled Adaptations
Financial Assistance Policy.
(i) To consider and approve the proposed policy, attached as Appendix 1.
(ii) To delegate authority to the Director of Transactions and Universal Services to make minor amendments to the policy.
(iii) To delegate authority to the Director of Transactions and Universal Services to approve applications for financial assistance in accordance with the Disabled Adaptations Financial Assistance policy.
Mandatory DFGs are prescribed by law but are inflexible which means that some vulnerable disabled people do not meet the criteria. The proposed discretionary financial assistance will enable the council to provide flexible financial assistance which will enable many more people to have adaptations made to their home. This will promote their wellbeing, prevent their needs escalating and enable them to live in their homes independently with less reliance on others for care and support.
The discretionary financial assistance will also support delivery of a strengths-based approach to adult social care by helping to reduce reliance on funded care packages and will contribute to a reduction in emergency hospital admissions and length of stays in hospital.
Having no discretionary financial assistance and relying solely on mandatory DFG’s was considered and rejected as the council already has a large number of vulnerable people who for many reasons do not qualify for the DFG e.g. the works are greater than the maximum amount permitted. This would mean that a significant number of people would not be able to have adaptations carried out, which is likely to result in further pressure on the local health and social care system.
Report author: Steven Hayes-Arter
Publication date: 18/12/2018
Date of decision: 18/12/2018
Decided at meeting: 18/12/2018 - Cabinet
Effective from: 29/12/2018
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