Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Aspiration, Schools and Lifelong Learning seeking approval to formally consult on the proposals for Home to School Transport & Post-16 Travel Arrangements.
(i) To note the findings from the review of home to school transport for children and young people with SEND which includes the case for change, which is based on evidence from audit activity, other local authorities, engagement with the SEND parent/carer forum, special school colleagues and professionals. The review presents areas identified for amendment in a revised Policy.
(ii) To approve proceeding to formal consultation on the proposed Home to School Transport policy 2019/20 for a period of 12 weeks commencing on 26th September, 2018.
(iii) To note the outcome of the consultation will be reported back to Cabinet to consider alongside recommendations for approval of a revised policy taking into account representations received.
1. To launch a consultation, ensuring that service users, wider residents and other stakeholders have the opportunity to review and comment on the draft proposals for the Home to School Transport Policy 2019/20.
2. To ensure that the policy is clear and easily understood by all eligible groups, in compliance with statutory responsibilities including updated procedures within the local authority.
3. To ensure that the increasing pressures on home to school transport resources is managed to ensure financial sustainability for the future and to support resources to be deployed to achieve maximum benefit in the offer of home to school travel assistance. Not only is the overall cost to the Council increasing, but pressures on providers of vehicles with the numbers being transported by taxi and mini bus is meaning that these providers are struggling to meet demand. By introducing proposals to reduce the offer to more closely match the statutory requirements, but maintaining the discretion to offer assistance above these requirements based on needs assessment, the local authority will be better positioned to manage the impact of this increasing demand and target resources to those who need support to access education the most.
4. To ensure maximum opportunity for young people to meet their potential in adult life by offering training and support to those who are assessed to have the ability to travel independently.
1. Do nothing. This was disregarded on the basis that the current policy is not considered fit for purpose in meeting the revised assessed need in the area and the council cannot sustain the increasing demands on home to school travel assistance resources.
6. To recommend an update to the policy with a complete withdrawal of home to school transport for children below statutory school age. Whilst the statutory guidance allows for this, is was felt in the task and finish group with parents that this has the potential to prevent attendance for a small proportion of children with highly complex needs, who would not be able to attend without some assistance. This would increase the likelihood of family breakdown.
7. To recommend an update to the policy with a complete withdrawal of home to school transport assistance for young people aged 16-19. This was discussed in detail with consideration of the impact and it was agreed by all parties that this would not comply with the statutory requirements to match assistance to assessed need and to take into account the impact on individuals required under the Equality Act 2010. It could significantly impact a parent’s ability to work, or mean that they are required to work less hours. The impact on other service areas, including housing and social care, would be significant. The council would be failing to enable young people to access the education setting named within their statutory Education, Health and Care Plan.
Report author: Tammy Marks
Publication date: 18/09/2018
Date of decision: 18/09/2018
Decided at meeting: 18/09/2018 - Cabinet
Effective from: 27/09/2018
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