Decision details

Proposed Residents' Parking Scheme, Holyrood Estate (TRO)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider outstanding objectives to the proposal to introduce a Residents’ Parking Scheme in the off-street parking areas within Holyrood Estate, in place of the current system of individually rented spaces.  Cabinet will make a decision as to whether the proposals shall be approved, withdrawn or amended.


As part of the formal legal process for Traffic Regulation Orders, items are brought to Cabinet by the Traffic Management team to decide upon objections raised in response to the Public Notice.


(i)  To approve the introduction of a permit parking scheme in the off-street parking areas in Holyrood Estate.


Reasons for the decision:

The Cabinet has had due regard to the objection submitted, but has also had regard to the success of the similar scheme at Kingsland Estate.  On balance it does not feel that the proposed scheme will have a negative impact on community safety on the area or increase crime.  The cost of the permit is reasonable given the type of parking to be provided and its scarcity in the inner city areas of Holyrood.  


Overall it is believed the scheme will improve the parking facilities for local residents. 

Alternative options considered:

Leave the current arrangements in place.  Currently the off-street parking places are rented out to residents and each parking bay is protected by a locking post, and upright metal posts on both sides of the bay.  The posts are unsightly and prone to accidental damage.  The Housing Portfolio currently has funding to enhance the environment, which would include removing the metal posts.  However, Housing Services do not have the resources to administer a parking scheme.  It is considered that Parking Services, with a well-established capability for operating and enforcing permit schemes, is better placed to administer a parking scheme for the benefit of residents. 

Report author: Barbara Thomas

Publication date: 16/04/2012

Date of decision: 16/04/2012

Decided at meeting: 16/04/2012 - Cabinet

Effective from: 25/04/2012

Accompanying Documents: