Decision details

Provision of an Integrated Advice, Information and Guidance Service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Leader of the Council implementing a unified approach to the Council's investment in the Voluntary Sector.

The report to Cabinet in October 2016 detailed the grants consultation process and that once responses to the consultation had been evaluated and the final Equality Impact Assessment completed, a further report will be prepared for the relevant key officer incorporating a final recommended proposal. This will include an assessment of the implications of the proposal on directly affected organisations which will be taken into account in making a final decision by the Chief Strategy Officer following consultation with the Leader of the Council. Following consideration of the grants consultation, the Chief Strategy officer will now take a decision on 23rd March 2017 on a procurement process for the provision of an Integrated Advice, Information and Guidance Service in the City.


(i)  To approve the recommendation to proceed with a procurement of an integrated AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) service.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration to carry out a procurement process for the provision for AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) services as set out in this report and to enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality & Integration following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members to decide on the final model of commissioned services for Advice, Information and Guidance (AIG) and all decision making in relation to this re-commissioning.

(iv)  To delegate to the Chief Strategy Officer, following consultation with relevant cabinet members and following an option appraisal, the authority to approve the inclusion of SID (Southampton Information Directory) in the appropriate procurement exercise.

(v)  To authorise the Director of Quality and Integration to take all necessary actions to implement the proposals contained in this report.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  The provision of effective AIG (Advice, Information and Guidance) services supports the outcomes the Council wants to achieve in relation to increasing prevention and early intervention approaches and helping people to find their own solutions as far as possible.

2.  There is an opportunity to specify the outcomes the Council wishes to see achieved and to simplify delivery and access arrangements through a procurement process.

3.  The funding arrangements for the current AIG services have come to an end and there is a need to re-commission these services to comply with the strategic approach the Council wishes to take in relation to funding and to  comply with public procurement law.

4.  A reliable information resource/directory is fundamental to an effective AIG service. The Southampton Information Directory (SID) is currently provided by the Council and if a procurement exercise proceeds a decision is needed on whether SID remains within the Council or whether it is integrated into a commissioned service.

Alternative options considered:

1.  To continue to fund the same services without maximising the opportunities for efficiencies and developing an integrated approach to service delivery: this would not provide the most appropriate service and miss opportunities for improving access for individuals.

2.  To decommission some/all service areas: this would not achieve the necessary outcomes for residents and while it may achieve some savings, it would not support the strategic approach to increase the focus on prevention and early intervention approaches. It is likely that any savings would be mitigated by activity moving to other service areas including internal Council services.

3.  To continue to fund AIG services through a mix of contracts and grants: this does not support recent decisions taken in relation to the use of grant funding and the aim to specify core services more clearly.

4.  To continue to support SID independently of this decision: this would not maximise the opportunity to consider further integration of services to support Council outcomes in relation to prevention and early intervention approaches.

Report author: Carole Binns

Publication date: 18/04/2017

Date of decision: 18/04/2017

Decided at meeting: 18/04/2017 - Cabinet

Effective from: 27/04/2017

Accompanying Documents: