Issue details

Sea City Highway works - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport seeking Cabinet to consider objections to the proposed restrictions and make a decision as to whether proposed restrictions are approved, withdrawn or amended.


The report will consider any objections to proposals to alter the traffic arrangements in the vicinity of Sea City.  These amendments are part of proposals to improve the streetscene. 


As part of the formal and legal process for Traffic Regulation Orders items are brought to Cabinet where the Traffic Management team within the Highways Service Partnership has been unable to resolve objections.   

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: Bargate;

Decision due: 24 Oct 2011 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport

Lead director: Philip Marshall

Department: Environment and Transport Portfolio

Contact: Barbara Thomas, Traffic Engineer Tel: 023 8038 8038 Email: Tel: 023 8079 8064.

Consultation process

Council departments through circulation of the draft report.  The general public through public advertisement and statutory consultees through circulation of the public notices.


Democratic Services, Legal Services, Finance, Property Services, General Public.

Public Comments may be sent to: After the end of the statutory consultation period no objections have been lodged. Therefore the need for for a decision.