Issue details

Relocation of the Compass Centre Pupil Referral Unit to the Millbrook Secondary School Site

At the Cabinet meeting of 06/06/11, it was agreed “to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Children’s Services & Learning, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services, following consultation with the Cabinet Members for Children’s Services and Resources to take any action necessary to facilitate the use and occupation of the Former Millbrook Community School site for the provision of children’s services, including services ancillary to those functions, subject to compliance with any statutory requirements. This delegation shall include, but is not limited to, the power to grant or acquire property and contractual interests in the site to deliver such services.”


In line with this decision, a meeting is to be convened to determine the proposal to relocate the Compass Centre Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) provision to the site previously occupied by the Millbrook Community School. This decision will follow a period of consultation with affected parties (e.g. staff, parents/carers etc.), the outcomes of which will be fed into the decision making process. The proposal itself is to relocate the PRU into a temporary “home” within the Millbrook buildings from 5 September 2011. This will enable refurbishment of that element of the building which is to provide the permanent “home” for the PRU within the 2011/12 academic year.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 3 Aug 2011 by Officer Decision Making

Decision due: 3 Aug 2011 by Executive Director Children's Services and Learning

Lead director: Clive Webster

Department: Children's Services and Learning Portfolio

Contact: Email: Tel: 023 8091 7596.

Consultation process

Consultation document, meetings and online consultation.


PRU and Inclusion Support Service, Schools, SCC Democratic, Legal, Finance and Property Services.

Public Comments may be sent to: Karl Limbert, Southampton City Council, 3rd Floor, Southbrook Rise, 4-8 Millbrook Road East, Southampton, SO15 1YG

Slippage/Variations/Reason for Withdrawal: None


Agenda items