Issue details

Selection of Partners for Sport and Recreation Partnership

Report of the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Heritage seeking approval following the procurement process, to appoint the preferred bidder to take on the management and operation of Sport and Recreation Facilities, and to seek delegated authority to relevant Officers, following consultation with the Cabinet Member, to enter into an agreement to appoint the preferred bidder to take on the management and operation of the Southampton Municipal Golf Course facilities.

On 28th July 2008, Cabinet agreed to the procurement process being undertaken to secure a bidder to deliver the sport and recreation services on the Council’s behalf.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward or a significant community;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 15 Feb 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Heritage

Lead director: Executive Director of Neighbourhoods

Department: Leisure, Culture and Heritage Portfolio

Contact: 023 8083 2882.

Consultation process

Emails; meetings, public notices, roadshows and local press


Legal, Finance, Property, Human Resources Staff, Customers and Unions

Public Comments may be sent to: Emma Tait Project Officer Neighbourhoods Directorate, Civic Centre SO14 7LY Phone: 023 8083 4429 Email to


Agenda items


  • Delivery of Sport and Recreation Services on the Council’s Behalf – Report approved by Cabinet on 28th July 2008