Issue details

Local Authority 'New Build' Scheme Approval (Phase 2)

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services, seeking approval to accept the grant award and to approve expenditure on this capital scheme in accordance with the Council's Financial Procedure Rules, subject to confirmation of grant funding from the Home and Communities Agency (HCA) to Phase 2 of the Local Authority New Build Fund.

Following the City Council's successful 'Phase 1' bid to the HCA from the Local Authority New Build Fund to build 35 family sized Council owned homes for affordable rent on 6 former garage sites across the city.

The City Council submitted a further 'Phase 2' bid to build up to 20 new Council owned homes for affordable rent on 3 sites in the city in October 2009. The HCA will announce the results of the 'Phase 2' bidding process in December 2009 and work again needs to commence quickly thereafter, to meet Government's start on site deadlines.

In the unlikely event of the 'Phase 2' bid being wholly unsuccessful, then this decision requirement will be withdrawn.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Bitterne;

Decision due: 15 Feb 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services

Lead director: Executive Director of Neighbourhoods

Contact: 023 8083 3368 Email: Tel: 023 8083 3368.

Consultation process

Meetings/written briefings/'drop ins' information leaflets/letters


Local residents/residents groups
Ward Councillors affected by the proposed schemes
Cabinet Member and Opposition Party Spokespersons

Legal, Finance, Property, HR, Planning, Highways, Ecology and Parks and Open Spaces Officers

Public Comments may be sent to: Keith Gunner - Empty Property Officer Neighbourhoods Department Floor 1 - Southbrook Rise Phone: 023 8083 2346 Email to


Agenda items