Issue - decisions

Approval to Spend Capital Funding on Environment and Transport Portfolio Schemes in 2011/12

14/03/2011 - Approval to Spend Capital Funding on Environment and Transport Portfolio Schemes in 2011/12

On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve variations, totalling £200,000 in 2011/12, to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme agreed at Council on 16th February 2011, as detailed in Appendix 4.

(ii)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £11,206,000 in 2011/12, as detailed in Appendix 2, from the total Environment and Transport Capital Programme of £19,612,000.

(iii)  To note the detail of the projects within the Capital Programme for 2011/12 as set out in Appendix 3.