Issue - decisions

Financial Close on the Lord's Hill Academy

17/01/2011 - Financial Close on the Lord's Hill Academy

(i)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Resources, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, to agree the final affordability position and to take any action necessary to complete financial close of the Lord’s Hill Academy project, or as otherwise required by Partnerships for Schools in this regard.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Children’s Services & Learning, following consultation with the Executive Director of Resources, Solicitor to the Council and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services & Learning, to submit a Final Business Case (FBC) for the Lord’s Hill Academy Project.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Solicitor to the Council, following consultation with the Executive Director of Resources and the Executive Director of Children’s Services, to complete commercial and contractual close and to enter into all necessary contracts/agreements and other legal documentation, including (but not limited to) the Development Agreement and Design and Build Contract, to construct the Lord’s Hill Academy.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Solicitor to the Council, following consultation with the Executive Director of Children’s Services and Learning and the Head of Property Services to grant and execute a 125 year lease to the Academy provider of the Lord’s Hill Academy site at 5 Acres, Southampton.

(v)  To add, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, a sum of £15,856,400 to the Children’s Services & Learning Capital Programme, to carry out works at the Lord’s Hill Academy.

(vi)  To approve, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure in the sum of £15,856,400 (including fees) from the Children’s Services & Learning Capital Programme, to carry out works at the Lord’s Hill Academy.