(i) To approve for publication (following agreement by all Renaissance Board Members) the Southampton Renaissance Prospectus as set out in Appendix 1 to this report.
(ii) To endorse the next steps, including promotion of the Southampton Renaissance Prospectus at a Southampton Renaissance event in February, attendance at MIPIM (Le Marché International des Professionnels de l'Immobilier) and United Kingdom Real Estate and Infrastructure Investment Forum (UK REiiiF).
(iii) To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Growth and Prosperity following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development to approve minor amendments to the Southampton Renaissance Prospectus (‘The Prospectus’) and the publication of further documents from the Masterplan outputs.
(iv) To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Growth and Prosperity following consultation with the Cabinet member for Economic Development, to procure and enter into contracts to appoint a Strategic Development Advisor and other contracts needed to deliver the outputs of the Southampton Renaissance Masterplan. These costs will be covered from approved budgets.