(i) To approve the splitting of the unit at 271 Winchester Road into two units as outlined in the commercial and financial terms in Appendix 1.
(ii) To delegate finalising the detail of the terms of the splitting of the Unit and the Lease to the Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity following consultation with the Executive Director for Enabling Services and the Director of Legal and Governance.
(iii) To delegate approval for any other matters necessary to finalise this transaction in association with this proposal to the Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity following consultation with the Executive Director for Enabling Services and the Director of Legal and Governance.
(iv) Subject to any proposal falling within Cabinets financial authority, to delegate approval to dispose of this property in the future to the Executive Director of Growth and Prosperity following consultation with the Executive Director for Enabling Services and the Director of Legal and Governance (if best consideration can be demonstrated for a disposal compared to retention of the property).