(i) Note the revised General Fund Capital Programme, which totals £206.06M as detailed in paragraph 3.
(ii) Note the HRA Capital Programme is £240.53M as detailed in paragraph 3.
(iii) Approve slippage of £6.24M within the General Fund programme, as detailed in paragraphs 7 to 9 and Appendix 3.
(iv) Note that the overall forecast position for 2024/25 at quarter 1 is £170.82M, resulting in a potential underspend of £1.01M, as detailed in paragraphs 10 to 12 and Appendix 2.
(v) Note that the capital programme remains fully funded up to 2028/29 based on the latest forecast of available resources although the forecast can be subject to change; most notably regarding the value and timing of anticipated capital receipts and the use of prudent assumptions of future government grants to be received.