Issue - decisions

Solent Freeport

20/12/2022 - Freeport Update

Having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules.


(i)  To delegate to the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Executive Director - Finance and Commercialism (S151 Officer) and the Executive Director for Place, to agree the Memorandum of Understanding which Southampton City Council (as a participating rating authority) is expected to sign with Government as part of the arrangements for designating the Freeport.

(ii)  To note the work to agree an Investment Plan for submission to Government, detailing how the proceeds from the growth in business rates will be applied in support of the Freeport Objectives. Furthermore, that this Investment Plan will be agreed via the Retained Rates Investment Committee (RRIC) and Freeport Board, on which the Council is represented by the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth as a voting member, and with the Deputy S151 Officer as an ex-officio nominated representative for the RRIC.