Issue - decisions

Proposed Council Tax Discounts for Special Constable sand Person Over the age of 65

18/02/2010 - Proposed Council Tax Discounts for Special Constables and persons over the age of 65

(i)  That Cabinet considers the considerations and issues set out in this report and determines whether or not they wish to implement a Council Tax reduction scheme under S13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

(ii)  If Cabinet chooses to implement such a Council Tax reduction scheme, the qualifying criteria in respect of the “Special Constable” element of the Scheme for 2010/11 and onward be that the reduction should be available to persons who are:-


(a)  Special Constables on or after 1st April 2010; and

(b)  Reside in a property within Southampton where there is a liability for Council Tax and serve as a Special Constable within Southampton.


(iii)  If Cabinet chooses to implement such a Council Tax reduction scheme, the level of reduction in respect of the “Special Constable” element should be 100%.

(iv)  If Cabinet chooses to implement such a Council Tax reduction scheme, to approve the qualification criteria for the discount as set out in Appendix 1.

(v)  To authorise the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods to take any further action necessary to implement the proposed scheme.

(vi)  To authorise the Executive Director of Resources to take any further action necessary to administer the scheme once approved by the Hampshire Police Authority (HPA) and Home Office.

(vii)  To continue the 10% council tax discount for persons over the age of 65, subject to the agreed criteria as shown in Appendix 2 for 2010/11 and onwards.