Issue - decisions

'Go Southampton' proposal for a City Centre Business Improvement Bid

21/06/2016 - 'Go Southampton' proposal for a City Centre Business Improvement District

(i)  To review and confirm that the BID Proposal does not conflict to a material extent with the Council’s adopted, published policies, nor does it warrant the use of veto for any other reason under regulation 12 of the BID Regulations 2004 (England) and that it can therefore be supported. 

(ii)  To instruct the Returning Officer to hold a ballot on behalf of the BID Proposer, with the final day of ballot being 3 November 2016.

(iii)  In the event of agreeing recommendation (i), agrees to vote ‘yes’ for the six Council owned properties in the BID area.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to make all decisions on behalf of the Council in connection with, and during the BID Proposal statutory process including entering into a Baseline Agreement for the Provision of Standard Services and an Operating Agreement to confirm agreed arrangements.