Issue - decisions

Update on the Closure of Woodside Lodge and the Restructure of Day and Respite Services

15/09/2015 - Update on the Closure of Woodside Lodge and the Restructure of Day and Respite Services

On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care Cabinet agreed to the following:


(i)  To note that in accordance with its decision of 16 December 2014, Woodside Lodge residential care home closed on 31 July 2015, as all of its previous residents had been supported to move to suitable alternative placements.

(ii)  To confirm the Cabinet decision made on 15 January 2015 to cease the provision of council-provided day services at St Denys and Freemantle Community Centres, along with all four satellite day services (Nutfield, Tools for Self Reliance, Stella Maris and Wooden Reflections), and agrees that these council-run services will close by 31 December 2015.

(iii)  To note that the Council will continue to provide day services from Woolston Community Centre and Sembal House to help meet the assessed needs of 122 individuals.

(iv)  That, taking into account the outcome of the assessments of individual needs and the availability of suitable alternatives, Cabinet agrees to postpone the implementation of its decision made on 15 January 2015 to close the replacement care (respite) service provided by the council at Kentish Road pending the outcome of a further review and the continued evaluation and development of suitable alternatives.

(v)  To request a report on the outcome of a further review, led by the Integrated Commissioning Unit, of how replacement care (respite) for individuals with a learning disability can best be provided, to include an update on the evaluation and development of suitable alternatives to Kentish Road, by 31 March 2016.

(vi)  To confirm the commitment made by Cabinet not to close the replacement care (respite) service at Kentish Road until individuals have been supported to move to suitable alternatives and agrees that Kentish Road will not close until 30 September 2016 at the earliest.