Issue - decisions

The Future of The Southampton Library Service

18/08/2015 - The Future of The Southampton Library Service

(i)  To approve the five key areas of Future Focus of the Library Service following consideration of the consultation feedback as outlined in Appendix 3  to include:

·  Developing a lifelong love of reading

·  Getting the City confidently online

·  Helping to meet the information needs of the City

·  Delivering in partnership

·  Developing the 24/7 virtual (web based) online library

(ii)  To approve Option D for implementation as outlined in the consultation process and in this report at paragraph 36.

(iii)  To cease to provide a Council managed Library Service from Cobbett Road Library, Burgess Road Library, Millbrook Library, Thornhill Library, Weston Library and the Mobile Library by March 31st 2016 and seek to encourage community led library initiatives in these buildings.

(iv)To delegate authority to the Director of Place to devise and implement the necessary processes and documentation required to establish, where appropriate, community led initiatives in the libraries that the City Council ceases to provide a service from, subject to meeting the assessment criteria set out in this report.

(v)  To delegate authority to the Director of Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure and the Head of Property, to lease Burgess Road Library, Cobbett Road Library and the new unit at Weston at less than Best Consideration (where appropriate) following the application process, referred to above, subject to meeting the required legal tests and duties. 

(vi)To approve the implementation of formal staff consultation on the changes that result from the decisions in this report and devise and implement a staffing structure accordingly.

(vii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure and the Head of Property to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations contained in this report.