Issue - decisions

*Southampton Permit Scheme for Management of Roadworks and Other Activities on the Road Network

18/11/2014 - *Southampton Permit Scheme for Management of Roadworks and Other Activities on the Road Network

(i)  To approve the implementation of the Southampton Roadworks Permit Scheme (SoRPS) subject to the Department of Transport (DfT) providing technical approval of the scheme and subject to recommendations (ii) and (iii) of this report

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Director, Place, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport and the Chief Financial Officer, to formally approve the implementation of the scheme to the DfT and in doing so, ask the DfT to make a Statutory Instrument to empower the scheme.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Head of Contract Management, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, the Director, Place and the Chief Financial Officer, to approve changes to the Highways Service Partnership contract to allow the Council’s Highways Service Provider Balfour Beatty Living Places Ltd to undertake works relating to the Permit Scheme on the Council’s behalf, provided that commercial close and the contract amendments are in accordance with the parameters described in Confidential Appendix 1 of this report.

21/10/2014 - *Southampton Permit Scheme for management of roadworks and other activities on the road network

(i)  To approve the submission of the Southampton Permit Scheme application (Scheme as set out in Appendix 1) to the Department of Transport requesting approval of the scheme design;

(ii)  To approve that the Southampton Permit Scheme should be a full scheme that applies to all works on all roads and requires a fee to be paid by Statutory Undertakers for all works on all roads per the fee schedule set out in the Scheme attached at Appendix 1;

(iii)  To delegate to The Head of Transport, Highways and Parking the ability to amend the scheme prior to submission and to take all decisions regarding the operational aspects of the project; and

(iv)  To note that a further report will be brought to Cabinet later in the year to consider the Department of Transport approval of the scheme design and approve the implementation of the scheme.