Issue - decisions

*Platform to Prosperity - Acquisition of Land at Town Quay

17/09/2013 - *Platform to Prosperity - Acquisition of Land at Town Quay

(i)  To approve the purchase and disposal of the freehold interest of land at Dock Gate 7 Town Quay and Mayflower Park and to delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director for Environment & Economy in consultation with the P4P Client Manger to agree the final terms and conditions of purchase including the amount of land to be acquired.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Interim Director of Environment and Economic Development to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this report.

(iii)  To note the level of expenditure of the purchase and associated costs of purchase.  The total expenditure will be funded from the Regional Growth Fund (RGF) grant funding from Department of Business Innovation & Skills (BIS), which has been subject to previous approvals