Committee details

Local Outbreak Engagement Board

Purpose of committee

The Southampton Covid-19 Local Outbreak Engagement Board is responsible for strategic oversight of health protection regarding Covid-19 in Southampton, including prevention, surveillance, planning and response to ensure they meet the needs of the population.

The Board will support the local delivery of the primary objectives of the Government's strategy to control the Covid-19 reproduction number (R), reduce the spread of infection and save lives, in doing so help to return life to as normal as possible, for as many people as possible, in a way that is safe, protects our health and care systems and releases our economy.

The response will be delivered at various levels and by various partner organisations, but these will need to be brought together at local authority level through the Executive Director of Wellbeing (Health & Adults), supported by the Director of Public Health as lead officer, to ensure a community focus and appropriately tailored response. In addition to the place-based approach overseen by the Board the levels will include:

  • National - a National Outbreak Control Plans Advisory Board will be established to draw on expertise from across local government and ensure the NHS Test and Trace programme builds on local capability, and to share best practice and inform future programme development;
  • Regional - Co-ordination required on a regional level will be provided through the HIOW Local Resilience Forum and Integrated Care System arrangements;
  • Local – Southampton COVID-19 Health Protection Board, working through Local Engagement Boards to define measures to contain outbreaks and protect health.

