Agenda item

Boating Lake, Southampton Sports Centre, Thornhill Road 13/00556/FUL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.



The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.  (Copy of the report circulated with the agenda and appended to the signed minutes).


Engineering works comprising the infilling of the former boating lake with associated works and means of enclosure


Ms Hastings (objecting)(Friends of Southampton Sports Centre), Mr Linecar (objecting) (Southampton Commons and Parks Protection Society) and Councillor B Harris (objecting) (Ward Councillor) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported an additional 42 representations had been received, 38 objecting to the application and 4 in support, these included a petition in opposition from the Old Bassett Residents Association with 51 signatures.  He explained that the application was retrospective.  The issues raised included the possibility of an Environmental Permit being required, the removal of spoil already dumped, future use of the land as a meadow/recreation area and the use of the lake as a breeding site for amphibians and other wildlife.


RESOLVED to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out below:


Reasons for Refusal


1. REFUSAL REASON - Amenity and Design

The proposed infilling of the former boating lake with spoil from a neighbouring development to create a wild meadow is considered to remove the potential for active sporting recreation from the sports centre to the detriment of the amenity of its users, whilst also failing to improve the sporting, leisure, spectator and visitor facilities provided.  Furthermore, in the absence of a firm commitment to provide a robust ongoing maintenance programme it has not been proven to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the proposed meadow will establish as proposed.  As such, the development has been considered as contrary to ‘saved’ policies SDP1(i) and CLT8 of the adopted City of Southampton Local Plan Review (2006).



It is considered likely that the former boating lake provided habitat for various amphibians, including the common toad, Bufo bufo, smooth newt, Lissotritonvulgaris, and palmate newt, Lissotriton helveticus.  Although common toad only has limited statutory protection it is included on the list of habitats and species which are of principal importance for the conservation of biodiversity in England.  This list, which is required by section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act (2006), contains habitats and species that public bodies must have regard to the conservation of when carrying out their normal functions.  Such functions include the consideration of planning applications.  The proposed in-filled boating lake no longer provides any suitable breeding habitat for amphibians, such as the common toad and an acceptable design solution has not been submitted for consideration ahead of the determination of this planning application.  Furthermore, any works also need to consider the proximity of existing Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and the areas under nature conservation and the Higher Level Stewardship management.  The proposed planting to create the meadow doesn’t reflect what is present locally.  As such the application is not considered to properly address the site’s importance to nature conservation and local biodiversity and is, therefore, contrary to ‘saved’ Policy SDP12 of the adopted City of Southampton Local Plan Review (2006) and Policy CS22 of the adopted LDF Core Strategy (2010) as supported by the City’s Biodiversity Action Plan.



FOR:  Councillors Claisse, Cunio, L Harris, Lewzey, Lloyd and Norris

ABSTAINED:  Councillor Mrs Blatchford

Supporting documents: