Agenda item

Chamberlain Halls, University of Southampton, Glen Eyre Road /12/01450/FUL

Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.


The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.  (Copy of the report circulated with the agenda and appended to the signed minutes).


Re-development of part of the site to provide 41 cluster flats for student accommodation (356 bedspaces) in 3 x four-storey buildings with ancillary uses including pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access, servicing and parking arrangements with a new bus lay-by. (PHASE 1)


Mr Luken and Mr Tarling (Agents), Mrs Wawman (objecting) (Bassett Residents’ Association), Mrs Davis, Mr Davis, Mr Honarmand and Mr Chown (objecting) (Local Residents) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that a letter had been received stating that Chamberlain Halls had originally been built in 1958 to accommodate 210 pupils.  The presenting officer reported two amendments to the Section 106 Agreement.



i)  to delegate to the Planning and Development Manager to grant planning permission subject to the completion of the revised S106 Agreement, the conditions listed in the report and the amended conditions set out below; and


ii)  that the Planning and Development Manager be given delegated powers to vary relevant parts of the Section 106 agreement and to remove, vary or add conditions as necessary.


Amendments to S106 Agreement


Amend clause (xii) so that it reads as follows:


(xii)  “Submission and implementation of a Training & Employment Management Plan committing to adopting local labour and employment initiatives (during construction) in line with LDF Core Strategy policies CS24 and CS25;”


Amend timing of Completion of S106 Agreement so that it reads as follows:  “In the event that the S106 Legal Agreement is not completed by the 13 week target date delegated authority be given to the Planning and Development Manager to refuse the application for failing to secure the S.106 legal agreement mitigation measures listed above”.


Amended Conditions


5 APPROVAL CONDITION - Security Measures

Prior to either the first occupation of the development or the installation of the details listed below (whichever is sooner) a Security Management Plan (as set out at s.10.7.3 of the Stride Treglown Planning Design & Access Statement (September 2012) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The plan shall include details of CCTV coverage with manned 24 hour security and details of a contact telephone number for concerned neighbours to report issues.  Development be completed and maintained in accordance with the agreed details.



In the interests of crime prevention and residential safety.


15 APPROVAL CONDITION – Foul & Surface Water Drainage

No development (excluding the demolition and site preparation phase and tree removal phase) shall commence until details of the proposed means of foul and surface water sewerage disposal have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Southern Water.  The approved measures shall be in place before first occupation of the development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



To ensure satisfactory drainage provision for the area.


NOTE:  Councillor Mrs Blatchford declared an interest and withdrew from the meeting for this item. 

Supporting documents: