Agenda item

Addition of Transport Funding to the Capital and Revenue Programmes

Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport in association with the Cabinet Member for Resources seeking to accept new funding and add to the capital and revenue programmes for transport, attached.



The report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport in association with the Cabinet Member for Resources was submitted seeking to accept new funding and add to the capital and revenue programmes for transport (copy of report circulated with agenda and appended to signed minutes).




(i)  that grant funding from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) of £9.013M split between Capital £7.193M and Revenue £1.819M over the following three years 2012/13 to 2014/15.  Total awarded to Transport for South Hampshire, £17.839M be accepted;


(ii)  that a further LSTF allocation of £330K to deliver Real Time Information (RTI) Phase 4 capital works in 2012/13 be accepted;


(iii)  that grant funding of £50K from Better Bus Area Fund (BBAF) to fund Capital expenditure of £40K in 2012/13 and Revenue expenditure of £10K in 2012/13 be accepted;


(iv)  That £7.193M, phased £0.610M in 2012/13, £4.584M in 2013/14 and £1.999M in 2014/15 be added to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme, Integrated Transport, in order to deliver transport measures across the City funded by LSTF grant;


(v)  That a further £330K of LSTF allocation be added to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme, Integrated Transport, to deliver Real Time Information Phase 4 capital works in 2012/13;


(vi)  That £40K of Better Bus Area Fund (BBAF) be added to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme, Integrated Transport towards transport measures across the City in 2012/13;


(vii)  That £1.392M of Public Realm Section 106 contributions phased £142K in 2012/13, £302K in 2013/14 and £948K in 2014/15 be added to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme, Public Realm, in order to deliver the Centenary Quay public realm;


(viii)  That £910K of Strategic Transport Section 106 contributions phased £80K in 2012/13, £410K in 2013/14 and £420K in 2014/15 be added to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme for Integrated Transport, towards developing transport measures across the City;


(ix)  That expenditure in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, be approved on schemes and projects totalling £9.865M to the Environment and Transport Capital Programme for Integrated Transport, phased £1.202M in 2012/13, £5.296M in 2013/14 and £3.367M in 2014/15 funded as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report on schemes as detailed in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of the report;


(x)  That the additionof £428,000 to the 2012/13 revenue estimates of the Environment and Transport Portfolio funded by government grant (LSTF and BBAF) be approved and it be noted that further additions of £894,000 to the 2013/14 and £507,000 to the 2014/15 revenue estimates would be formally made as part of the preparation of those financial years’ budget; and


(xi)  That it be noted that Southampton would play a lead authority role for the delivery of a South Hampshire Smartcard for Public Transport, Legible Cities projects procured by SCC as lead authority for TfSH from LSTF Funding including developing a joint back office as agreed at TfSH Joint Council committee 25/09/2012, for which a scheme of £5M is included in the proposed capital programme, contained within the total addition to the capital programme of £9.865M.

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