Agenda item


(a)  Councillor Pope to move


"Given the two delivery offices in Southampton, the Southampton Mail Centre and delivery offices just outside the City, this Council recognises that the Royal Mail is part of the fabric of our nation and believes that plans for its privatisation will lead to high prices, a loss of jobs that will impact on our citizens and a reduction in services for the people in our City who need those services the most.  Therefore we resolve that Southampton City Council should formally sign  the “Save our Royal Mail” petition to put pressure on the Government to reverse its decision and protect the country’s postal services; and that the Leader of the Council should write to the Secretary of State for Business and Enterprise conveying the terms of this Resolution."


(b)  Councillor Letts to move


“Given the recent changes of use of pubs in Southampton, for example the Castle at Midanbury to a Tesco store and the Hope and Anchor at Freemantle to a Co-op store, and the prospect of other pubs being similarly affected, Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:

‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.”

The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.

The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country.


(c)  Councillor Fitzhenry to move


Council notes that as part of this year’s budget the council withdrew c£500,000 of bus subsides from bus operators in the city. Council recognises that the changes in routes that took place in June of this year following these cuts has led to real problems for many residents in the city. Council recognises that many residents no longer have a local bus and that other residents now are faced with significantly reduced services. Council believes that the current situation is not acceptable.


Council urges the Executive to urgently look at the situation and seek to improve matters with partners and that in doing so, they ensure they maximise the use of government grants and capital monies awarded to ensure bus provision is useable by all members of the community. Council also urges the Executive to reinstate the bus users forum and seek to hold an urgent meeting to discuss possible solutions.”


(d)  Councillor Vinson to move


“This Council is concerned at the rising tide of litter and fly tipping across our City, and calls on the Administration to bring forward a strategy within six months, drawing on the full range of available powers and best practice elsewhere, including consideration of  education, waste reduction measures, waste collection facilities, levies, penalties and rewards, to combat this more effectively.”


(e)  Councillor Moulton to move


“This Council notes that Helius Energy may need to find significant local demand for the heat energy produced by its proposed biomass power station, if it is to take advantage of potential government funding or subsidies. In light of the Council’s previously stated opposition to the proposed power station, this Council agrees that in so far as is legal it will never become a customer of Helius Energy's heat output or of any companies that might in the future build or operate its scheme or one like it on a similar scale, on the same site or elsewhere in the Western Docks. On the same basis, Council makes it clear that should a large wood burning biomass power station be approved and eventually built in the Western Docks the City Council will at no stage ever directly or indirectly purchase any heat power generated by it.


Council resolves that it will write to Helius Energy to advise them accordingly, with the letter preferably signed by all 4 Group Leaders”


(a)  Royal Mail


Councillor Pope moved and Councillor Jeffery seconded:-


"Given the two delivery offices in Southampton, the Southampton Mail Centre and delivery offices just outside the City, this Council recognises that the Royal Mail is part of the fabric of our nation and believes that plans for its privatisation will lead to high prices, a loss of jobs that will impact on our citizens and a reduction in services for the people in our City who need those services the most.  Therefore we resolve that Southampton City Council should formally sign  the “Save our Royal Mail” petition to put pressure on the Government to reverse its decision and protect the country’s postal services; and that the Leader of the Council should write to the Secretary of State for Business and Enterprise conveying the terms of this Resolution."




RESOLVED that the motion be approved.


(b)  Community Pubs


Councillor Letts moved and Councillor Lloyd seconded:-


“Given the recent changes of use of pubs in Southampton, for example the Castle at Midanbury to a Tesco store and the Hope and Anchor at Freemantle to a Co-op store, and the prospect of other pubs being similarly affected, Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act:

‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required before community pubs are allowed to be converted to betting shops, supermarkets and pay-day loan stores or other uses, or are allowed to be demolished.’

The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the Council to determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and could save many valued community pubs.

The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in the region and across the country.”


Amendment moved by Councillor Fitzhenry and seconded by Councillor Moulton:-


Second paragraph, third line, delete “to betting shops, supermarkets and pay day loan stores or other users, or are allowed to be” and replace with “or”


Third paragraph, second line, delete“could save many valued community pubs” and replace with “determine the impact of such changes.”




Given the recent changes of use of pubs in Southampton, for example the

Castle at Midanbury to a Tesco store and the Hope and Anchor at Freemantle

to a Co-op store, and the prospect of other pubs being similarly affected,

Council notes the possibility of submitting the following proposal to the

government under the Sustainable Communities Act:


‘That the Secretary of State help protect community pubs in England by

ensuring that planning permission and community consultation are required

before community pubs are allowed to be converted or demolished.’


The Council notes that if this power was acquired it would allow the Council to

determine if pubs should be demolished or converted into other uses and determine the impact of such changes.


The Council resolves to submit the proposal to the government under the

Sustainable Communities Act and to work together with Local Works and the

Campaign for Real Ale to gain support for the proposal from other councils in

the region and across the country.”






RESOLVED that the motion as amended be approved.


NOTE: Councillor Letts declared a personal interest in the above matter, as a Member of CAMRA, and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


Councillor Stevens declared a pecuniary interest in the above matter, as a former owner/consultant within the pub trade, and left the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


(c)  Bus provision


Councillor Fitzhenry moved and Councillor Daunt seconded:-


Council notes that as part of this year’s budget the Council withdrew c£500,000 of bus subsidies from bus operators in the City. Council recognises that the changes in routes that took place in June of this year following these cuts has led to real problems for many residents in the City. Council recognises that many residents no longer have a local bus and that other residents now are faced with significantly reduced services. Council believes that the current situation is not acceptable.


Council urges the Executive to urgently look at the situation and seek to improve matters with partners and that in doing so, they ensure they maximise the use of government grants and capital monies awarded to ensure bus provision is useable by all members of the community. Council also urges the Executive to reinstate the bus users’ forum and seek to hold an urgent meeting to discuss possible solutions.”


Amendment moved by Councillor Thorpe and seconded by Councillor Jeffery:-


First line, first paragraph delete “c£500,000” and replacewith “c£392,000”


At the end of second line in the first paragraph insert “bus companies” 


Third line, first paragraph delete “that took place” and “following these cuts”


Fourth line, first paragraph delete “real” and “many residents” and after “problems for” insert “some bus users”


Fourth line, first paragraph deletethe sentence “Council recognises that many residents no longer have a local bus and that other residents now are faced with significantly reduced services.”


Seventh line, first paragraph delete “acceptable” and replace with “ideal.”


First line, second paragraph delete“urgently look at the situation and seek to improve matters with partners and that in doing so, they ensure they maximise the use of government grants and capital monies awarded to ensure bus provision is useable by all members of the community” and replace with “build on existing relationships with these private companies and to continue to effectively encourage the use of all forms of sustainable transport.”


Fifth line, second paragraph delete“reinstate the bus users forum and seek to hold an urgent meeting to discuss possible solutions” and replace with “lobby local bus companies on more rigorous public consultation.”





Council notes that as part of this year’s budget the Council withdrew c£392,000 of bus subsidies from bus operators in the City. Council recognises that the bus companies’ changes in routes, in June of this year, has led to problems for some bus users in the City. Council believes that the current situation is not ideal.


Council urges the Executive to build on existing relationships with these private companies and to continue to effectively encourage the use of all forms of sustainable transport. Council also urges the Executive to lobby local bus companies on more rigorous public consultation.”






RESOLVED that the motion as amended be approved.


NOTE Councillor Whitbread declared a pecuniary interest in the above matter, as a shareholder, and left the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


(d)  Litter and fly tipping


With the consent of the meeting, Councillor Vinson altered and moved and Councillor Turner seconded:-


“This Council is concerned at the rising tide of litter and fly tipping across our City, and calls on the Administration to bring forward a strategy as soon as possible, drawing on the full range of available powers and best practice elsewhere, including consideration of  education, waste reduction measures, waste collection facilities, levies, penalties and rewards, to combat this more effectively.”




RESOLVED that the altered motion be approved.


(e)  Biomass power station


Councillor Moulton moved and Councillor Fitzhenry seconded:-


“This Council notes that Helius Energy may need to find significant local demand for the heat energy produced by its proposed biomass power station, if it is to take advantage of potential government funding or subsidies. In light of the Council’s previously stated opposition to the proposed power station, this Council agrees that in so far as is legal it will never become a customer of Helius Energy's heat output or of any companies that might in the future build or operate its scheme or one like it on a similar scale, on the same site or elsewhere in the Western Docks. On the same basis, Council makes it clear that should a large wood burning biomass power station be approved and eventually built in the Western Docks the City Council will at no stage ever directly or indirectly purchase any heat power generated by it.


Council resolves that it will write to Helius Energy to advise them accordingly, with the letter preferably signed by all 4 Group Leaders”


With the consent of the meeting, Councillor Shields altered and moved an amendment and Councillor Furnell seconded:-


Add two new paragraphs at the beginning of the Motion:


“Council reaffirms its commitment to the Low Carbon Strategy adopted in 2011, and in particular priority number two which commits the Council and its partners to generate and use energy in a sustainable way so that Southampton will be a city where carbon-intensive living will be ‘powered down’ by reducing energy demand and diverse low-carbon energy supply will be ‘powered up’ by new technologies through efficient design and a diverse low-carbon energy supply mix.


Council maintains its opposition to a large wood burning biomass power station in the Western docks and – should a planning application be submitted by Helius Energy along the lines that have been proposed – urges the Government of the day to respect local concerns and use its authority to block the plan.”


Add after “heat” in the first paragraph, sixth line “or electricity”


Add after “heat power” in the first paragraph, last line “or electricity”


Add at the end of the last paragraph:


A copy of this letter should also be sent to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to help inform any decisions taken on the plant’s future.”




Council reaffirms its commitment to the Low Carbon Strategy adopted in 2011, and in particular priority number two which commits the Council and its partners to generate and use energy in a sustainable way so that Southampton will be a city where carbon-intensive living will be ‘powered down’ by reducing energy demand and diverse low-carbon energy supply will be ‘powered up’ by new technologies through efficient design and a diverse low-carbon energy supply mix.


Council maintains its opposition to a large wood burning biomass power station in the Western docks and – should a planning application be submitted by Helius Energy along the lines that have been proposed – urges the Government of the day to respect local concerns and use its authority to block the plan.


This Council notes that Helius Energy may need to find significant local demand for the heat energy produced by its proposed biomass power station, if it is to take advantage of potential government funding or subsidies. In light of the Council’s previously stated opposition to the proposed power station, this Council agrees that in so far as is legal it will never become a customer of Helius Energy's heat or electricity output or of any companies that might in the future build or operate its scheme or one like it on a similar scale, on the same site or elsewhere in the Western Docks.  On the same basis, Council makes it clear that should a large wood burning biomass power station be approved and eventually built in the Western Docks the City Council will at no stage ever directly or indirectly purchase any heat power or electricity generated by it.


Council resolves that it will write to Helius Energy to advise them accordingly, with the letter preferably signed by all 4 Group Leaders. A copy of this letter should also be sent to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to help inform any decisions taken on the plant’s future.






RESOLVED that the motion as amended be approved.