Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, seeking approval of changes to existing revenue and capital budgets, attached.
The report of the Cabinet Member for Resources was submitted seeking approval of changes to existing revenue and capital budgets (copy of report circulated with the agenda and appended to signed minutes).
Amendment moved by Councillor Vinson and seconded by Councillor Turner:
Amend recommendation (i) to replace Appendix 1 to the report which proposes one of expenditure of £240,000 in 2012/13 with Annex 2 to this Amendment which proposes expenditure of £1,464,000 in 2012/13 and £1,570,000 in 2013/14 and 2014/15.
Amend recommendation (iii) to replace Appendix 2 to the report which sets out proposals for efficiencies and service reductions for consultation with Annex 3 to this Amendment.
Add recommendations (vi) to (x) as set out below.
(i) Approve the spending initiatives set out in Annex 2 to this Amendment. These initiatives will be funded largely from balances subject to the approval of the Amendment to the General Fund Revenue Outturn report on the Council Agenda;
(ii) Note the high level forecast for the General Fund for 2013/14 as detailed in paragraphs 13 to 16 of the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda;
(iii) Note the proposals for efficiencies and service reductions which are put forward for consultation and are set out in Annex 3 to this Amendment;
(iv) Note that formal consultation on the proposals as set out in Annex 3 to this Amendment will now commence with trades unions, affected staff and any people or organisations affected by the proposals to ensure all options have been considered;
(v) Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations in this Amendment;
(vi) Approve the changes to the Capital Programme as set out in Annex 4 to this Amendment;
(vii) Note the overall impact of the proposals as set out in Annex 1 to this Amendment on the budget in 2012/13;
(viii) Note that the overall impact of the proposals, as set out in Annex 2, 3 and 4 to this Amendment on the Medium Term Financial forecast is to increase the budget gap in 2014/15, as shown in Annex 5a to this Amendment, subject to the approval of the Amendment to the General Fund Revenue Outturn report on the Council Agenda;
(ix) Note that if the Amendment to the General Fund Revenue Outturn report on the Council Agenda is not approved then the impact of the proposals as set out in Annex 2, 3 and 4 to this Amendment on the Medium Term Financial forecast, is to increase the gap further, as shown in Annex 5b to this Amendment if minimum balances of £5.0M are to be maintained in each year;
(x) Note that if this Amendment to the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda is not approved then the Amendment to the General Fund Revenue Outturn report on the Council Agenda will be withdrawn.
(Copy of the amended Liberal Democrat resolution as circulated at the meeting attached as appendix A to these minutes).
Amendment moved by Councillor Moulton and seconded by Councillor Baillie:
Amend recommendation (i) to add one off expenditure totalling £130,000 in 2012/13 to cover additional items outlined in Section A of Annex 1 to this Amendment to be funded from balances.
Amend recommendation (iii) to remove the savings proposal HLS 5 (Closure of Oaklands Pool) as outlined in Section B of Annex 1 to this Amendment.
Add recommendations (vi) and (vii) as set out below.
(i) Approve the spending initiatives set out in Appendix 1 to the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda, as amended by the changes set out in Section A of Annex 1 to this Amendment, to be funded from balances;
(ii) Note the high level forecast for the General Fund for 2013/14 as detailed in paragraphs 13 to 16 of the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda;
(iii) Note the proposals for efficiencies and service reductions which are put forward for consultation and which are set out in Appendix 2 to the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda, as amended by the changes set out in Section B of Annex 1 to this Amendment;
(iv) Note that formal consultation on the proposals, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda and as amended by the changes set out in Section B of Annex 1 to this Amendment, will now commence with trades unions, affected staff and any people or organisations affected by the proposals to ensure all options have been considered;
(v) Delegate authority to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations in Changes to Existing Revenue and Capital Budgets report on the Council Agenda, as amended by the proposals set out in Annex 1 to this Amendment;
(vi) Note the overall impact of the proposals as set out in Annex 1 to this Amendment on the budget in 2012/13;
(vii) Note that the overall impact of the proposals, as set out in this Amendment on the Medium Term Financial forecast is to increase the budget gap in 2013/14 and future years by £235,000.
(Copy of the amended Conservative resolution as circulated at the meeting attached as appendix B to these minutes).
(i) that one-off expenditure of £240,000 in 2012/13 as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, to be funded from balances, be approved;
(ii) that the high level forecast for the General Fund for 2013/14 as detailed in paragraphs 13 to 16 of the report be noted;
(iii) that the Executive’s proposals for efficiencies and service reductions which are put forward for consultation, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be noted;
(iv) that it be noted that formal consultation on the proposals as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, would now commence with trades unions, affected staff and any people or organisations affected by the proposals to ensure all options had been considered; and
(v) that delegated authority be granted to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources to do anything necessary to give effect to the above resolutions.
NOTE: Councillor Dr. R. Williams declared a disclosable pecuniary Interest in the above matter, as a Private Sector Landlord and left the meeting during the consideration of the matter.
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