Report of the Director of Transport and Planning recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.
The Panel considered the report of the Director of Transport and Planning in respect of an application for planning permission for the proposed development at the above address recommending that the application that authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the criteria listed in the report.
Change of use from HMO (Class C4) to 7-person HMO (Sui Generis).
Carrieanne Wells (agent), was present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. In addition the Panel noted that statements had been received, circulated, read and posted online from Elizabeth Moore, Mr & Mrs Argyle, Ann-Zara Newman, Mr & Mrs Pearce. Mr and Mrs Bagnell and the Highfield Residents Association.
The presenting officer reported that the Highways department had verbally updated them to state they had no objection and that residents would not be entitled to parking permits. They also noted the additional statements from the members of the public and clarified the differences between the application and an appeal decision provided for a site at 61 Highfield Crescent. In addition clarification was given on joint and separate tenancy agreements explaining that these were not material to the planning application.
The planning officer also: amended condition 4 in relation to bin/cycle storage; and added a further condition regarding noise insulation for bedrooms 1 and 2 as set out below.
Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.
The Panel then considered recommendations that authority be delegated to the Director of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to criteria listed in the report as amended and recommendation (3). Upon being put to the vote the recommendations, as amended, were carried.
FOR: Councillors Windle, Beaurain, Mrs Blatchford Cox
and G lambert
AGAINST: Councillor Wood
1. To confirm the Habitats Regulation Assessment set out in Appendix 1 of the report.
2. To grant delegated authority to the Director of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of this report and the payment of a contribution towards the Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project (SDMP)
3. In the event that the contribution is not secured within a reasonable period following the Panel meeting, the Director of Transport and Planning be authorised to refuse permission on the ground that the proposal has not secured adequate mitigation towards in combination impacts on the Solent and Southampton Water Special Protection Area.
NOTE Councillor Greenhalgh withdrew from the Panel with ill health.
Amended condition
04. Cycle Storage and Bin Storage (Occupancy Condition)
Prior to occupation of the rooms labelled bedroom 1 and bedroom 2 on the approved plan the submitted and approved bin and cycle storage scheme shall be implemented in full. Upon implementation of the approved scheme specified in this condition, that scheme shall thereafter be retained for the lifetime of the development.
REASON: To encourage non-car based modes of transport in accordance with Policy CS18 of the City of Southampton Core Strategy (2015) and ensure that bins are correctly stored in the interest of visual amenity.
Additional Condition
05. Noise Insulation (Occupancy Condition)
Prior to occupation of the rooms labelled bedroom 1 and bedroom 2 on the approved plan, evidence demonstrating that the noise insulation scheme approved by application 24/00051/DIS has been installed in full accordance with the approved details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall thereafter be retained for the lifetime of the development.
REASON: to protect the amenities of neighbouring properties in accordance with saved Policies SDP1(i) and SDP16 of the City of Southampton Local Plan Review (2015).
Supporting documents: