Agenda item

Change in Parking Tariffs and Charging Hours in Suburban Car Parks

Report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport seeking to introduce or amend parking tariffs in the Suburban Car Parks and change the hours of operation to 8am to Midnight Monday to Sunday.


Decision made: (CAB 24/25 47482)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, having received representations from Mr Belton Chairman of Southampton Salty Sea Dogs, Councillors P Baillie and Moulton, Cabinet approved the following:


(i)  To approve the removal of the 2 hour free parking period and the subsequent implementation of the proposed parking tariffs for the named Suburban car parks as outlined in Appendix 5.

(ii)  To approve the implementation of a new charging period within the named Suburban Car Parks of Monday to Sunday 8am - 8pm as outlined in Appendix 5.

(iii)  To delegate authority to determine all future parking tariff charges for the Suburban Car Parks to the Executive Director – Residential Services following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member(s).

(iv)  To instruct officers to monitor and review the parking demand and footfall within the District Centres between 01/04/2025 and 30/09/2025 and make a recommendation to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport on whether the parking tariff and charging periods should be further amended.

(v)  To instruct officers to develop a permit that be used for limited periods at set times in Suburban Car Parks adjacent to schools to enable use for “Park-and-Stride” to school.

Supporting documents: