Agenda item

22/00588/REM Centenary Quay, Woolston

Report of the Head of Green City & Infrastructure recommending that conditional approval be delegated to the Head of Planning & Economic Development in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.



The Panel considered the report of the Head of Green City and Infrastructure recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Reserved Matters application sought for Phase 6 of the development known as 'Centenary Quay' (pursuant to outline permission 08/00389/OUT - Environmental Impact Assessment Development) comprising the redevelopment of the site to provide 164 residential units in blocks I2, H2, F, F1, D1, E1 and E3 with associated car parking, storage and associated works incorporating amendments to Condition 03 (approved plans), Condition 11 (Building Heights), Condition 15 (River Edge) and Condition 56 (Parking) of planning permission 08/00389/OUT (Amended Description).

Kerri Bradford (local resident/ objecting), Jim Beavan - Savills (agent), Kate Nicholson, Crest Nicholson South (applicant), and Councillor Warwick Payne  (ward councillor/objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. Statements received from local residents Emma White, and Hannah Galpin had been circulated to the Panel and published prior to the meeting).


The presenting officer reported amendments and updates to the report as follows:


1.  Amended recommendation – Change to:


Delegate to the Head of Green City and Infrastructure to

(i)  Approve the Habitat Assessment.

(ii)  Secure plan to show area of highway land on Victoria Road to be stopped up.

(iii)  Secure amended plans to secure a 6m turning width for all 90 degree parking spaces.


To then grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended as agreed.


  1. Amendment to paragraph 6.2 – remove reference to de-minimis because the changes to layout require a variation of condition.


  1. Delete paragraph 6.5 – the tilted balance is not applicable on this reserved matters application because the principle of residential development was established at outline stage.


As the number of apartments in Block F has been reduced (to accommodate the 3bed AH units) a euro bin has been removed and the size of one of the bin stores has been reduced. This has enabled the cycle store to be made slightly larger and accommodate 40 cycle spaces, therefore cycle spaces for Block F apartments are all catered for within the block. The scheme therefore provides 1:1 cycle parking provision.


  1. An informative would be added in relation to the provision of street parking on Victoria Road



The Panel then considered the recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Green City & Infrastructure to grant planning permission.  During discussion on the item members raised the issue and officers agreed that the parking condition should be amended in relation to the allocation of spaces for 3 bed units and that the landscaping condition should be amended to secure public litter bins. 


During discussion on the item, changes to the delegation to officers were made at the request of the Panel following a proposal by Cllr Savage with Cllr Mrs Blatchford as seconder – when put to the vote the Panel voted unanimously to secure EV charging and additional tree planting details ahead of releasing the planning permission.


Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the Panel:



Delegate to the Head of Green City & Infrastructure to (i) approve the Habitats Regulations Assessment and (ii) to secure plan to show area of highway land on Victoria Road to be stopped up and (iii) to secure amended plans to secure a 6m turning width for all 90-degree car parking spaces on Victoria Road, and (iv) to secure a plan showing a target of 15% active EV charging points and (v) to secure revised/additional tree planting particularly within the surface car parks and to respond to the comments from SCC Tree Team.


To then grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of the Panel report, as amended, with delegation to refuse in the event that the requested information is not provided.


Amended conditions


02. APPROVAL CONDITION - Landscape & Maintenance

The hard and soft landscaping works serving Phase 6 shall be carried out in accordance with the details shown on Landscape Masterplan 1559/004 Rev K (Drawing to be revised with amended trees as per delegation).  The approved scheme shall be carried out prior to occupation of this phase, or during the first planting season following the full completion of building works (whichever is sooner), or in accordance with a timescale which has been agreed in writing with the local planning authority prior to the commencement of development on this phase. 


Ongoing maintenance details of the approved landscaping shall be agreed in writing with the LPA prior to its planting.  The agreed landscape maintenance shall be implemented as agreed.  If within a period of five years from the date of completion of the hard and soft landscape works within Phase 6, or any tree or shrub planted in replacement of it, it is removed, uprooted, destroyed, dies or becomes in any other way defective in the opinion of the local planning authority, another tree or shrub of the same species and size of that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the local planning authority gives its written consent to any variation. 


Prior to first occupation of Phase 6 details and plan to show the provision of public litter bins within Phase 6 (to include ongoing management and emptying regime) and directional signage for pedestrian navigation at the end of the River Walkway route as it meets John Thorneycroft Road, shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The litter bins and signage shall be installed and thereafter retained as agreed.


REASON: To improve the appearance of the site and enhance the character of the development in the interests of visual amenity, to ensure that the development makes a positive contribution to the local environment and, in accordance with the duty required of the Local Planning Authority by Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. In the interests of pedestrian navigation of the Coastal Path to the South of the River Walkway via John Thorneycroft Road and Victoria Road. To ensure adequate litter bin provision within the phase in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.



Notwithstanding the requirements of LPA ref: 08/00389/OUT Condition 56 the residential parking shall be provided on the basis of a minimum of 1 space per dwelling with only 3-bed units to be allocated more than 1 car parking space within this phase These spaces shall be made available for use prior to the occupation of each dwelling to which the space relates and shall, thereafter, be retained as agreed.


Not to occupy any part of phase 6 until the 19 no. car parking space (including 2 no. disabled bays) for existing residents on Victoria Road within Zone 3 of the residents parking zone are provided in accordance with the plans hereby approved and thereafter retained as agreed.


Furthermore the 2 no. car club spaces and 29 no. spaces for Phase 5 shall be re-provided prior to completion of phase 6 and thereafter retained as agreed.


REASON: To ensure that each phase is correctly delivered with sufficient parking to meet its needs as required by the assessments given in the Environmental Statement.


1.  Informatives added


The proposed on-street parking on Victoria Road to the front of blocks D1, E1 and F1b are located on highway land and will require a stopping up order Section 247 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


The works on the public highway to provide the 19 car parking spaces (including 2 no. disabled bays) for existing residents on Victoria Road within Zone 3 of the residents parking zone will require the owner to enter into a s.278 agreement / licence to carry out the works.


Supporting documents: