Agenda item

DSG 2020/2021 Allocatons

(For discussion and agreement - vote)


·  NP to provide details, see attached table



·  For discussion and agreement - vote


NP: With reference to the 2020-21 Schools revenue funding arrangements and dedicated schools grant paper and the issue raised with NFF causing a shortfall at the last Schools Forum meeting. The final allocation came through in the middle of December and confirmed there was an estimated surplus of £283K. All schools are funded at full NFF. NP proposed that the surplus is put in a secondary growth provision funding. JD reminded the forum that the last time the forum agreed that if the full NFF was affordable then it would be distributed to all schools. DW agreed with the funding formula for secondary growth, this would otherwise be top sliced. SP stated the growth funding would be needed from 2022 onwards. DW was not overly concerned about pupil growth forecasted for September 2021. SP suggested two alternative options and that the forum discussed the most appropriate option.

1.  Funding through the schools block. This would still divvy out to the secondary growth to schools, starting from 2021/2022.

2.  Allocate to the mainstream schools via the funding formula. This would not provide a provision for potential growth in future.

3.  Any surplus goes towards high needs.


When CG suggested targeting the money, SP responded by saying it was not as simple as the money is going to one area in special needs. There is still an overall deficit in the high needs area with a forecast deficit for 2021 of approximately £3.5M to £4M. NP stated that the level of deficit will be affected if there are increases in the number of pupils requiring High Needs and what additional costs are incurred for an increase in more complex needs.


JD stated that if the surplus was distributed to the schools block this year there would be a potential increase in MFG for future years. SP thought this would be marginal. RH enquired if it could be earmarked for schools in financial difficulties. SP responded saying that this was for maintained schools only, whilst this money has to be divided out between all schools. DW responded to RH by saying the Local Authority will always consider such issues.


There was a discussion around the schools obtaining the funding in 2021/2022 orputting aside for a provision in 2022/2023, weighing up which was the better option and trying to identify the consequences of having the additional funds in each academic year.


JD suggested that by distributing the money to schools that the MFG would rise slightly, and schools would be better off. SP agreed and stated that any future funding would be based on the money in the pot, the money would increase and that would benefit all schools. DW stated that if there is not a surplus, the Local Authority could have to top slice next year’s Schools Block Funding. MS requested the Local Authorities view. DW stated he would prefer to put it aside now and then the money is there to fund the growth. Anything left over after the bulge in student numbers would then be given back to the schools.  SP thought it should be divided it out this year and to deal with growth as it is needed. JD clarified that there would be no interest on it. RH was concerned that the schools are underfunded in terms of need and asked if is it was sufficient as it is known where the growth is going to be. MS thought that all schools are relatively worse off and some schools would be worse off in cash terms. SP stated that Portsmouth have a surplus and they are dividing it out via the lump sum. That way all schools get some money. The sum of money calculated as a surplus is an approximate total of £283K.  .





To put the surplus aside for all schools under the agreed growth funding formula


To distributed to the secondary schools using the funding formula via lump sum


To use the surplus to take pressure off the high needs





SP considered the only way to ensure that every school gains something is via the lump sum. JD stated the biggest winners (relatively) are the smaller schools if distributed through the lump sum.



Lump sum increase


Alter the funding factor


Minimum per pupil funding





The vote was carried with the national formula, to increase the lump sum funding to schools.