Report of the Chair of Health Overview and
Scrutiny Panel detailing briefing papers provided by the UHS to
inform the Panel on a number of concerns.
The Panel considered the report of the Chair of Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel detailing briefing papers provided by the University Hospitals Southampton (UHS) to inform the Panel on a number of issues.
Jane Hayward (Director of Transformation- UHS) and Peter Horne (Director of System Delivery - Southampton CCG), were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. During discussion the following points were raised:
· The dynamic nature of the Service’s waiting lists. The Panel were informed that the waiting lists broke down into two main sections. Those being referred for an initial appointment and those being scheduled for follow up or monitoring appointments. The Panel noted that the excessive wait for those with age related macular degeneration and the excess wait for diabetes patients has been addressed. It was noted by the Panel that there were issues relating to the monitoring and treatment of glaucoma patients that were still being addressed;
· It was made clear that patients were seen for initial consultation within the agreed guidelines but, that the issue related to patients expecting follow up appointments. It was explained that these had been delayed longer than the guidelines suggested but that efforts to reorganise the list, including greater use of Lymington hospital, were having an effect on the waiting periods;
· The national rise in eye disease related to the aging population;
· The numbers of patients on the waiting lists and the steps taken to reduce the numbers waiting. For example it was noted that patients follow up appointments were being referred to their own GP rather than the Consultant in some cases.
Update on Power outage event
Jane Hayward (Director of Transformation- UHS) and Joann Hall (UHS)were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. During discussion the following points were raised:
The Panel noted that following the major incident an external review and an action plan had been commissioned. It was reported that the management of messages communicated to the public by statutory services was an area where improvements needed to be made..
The Panel noted that the following the incident the electrical supply issues were resolved immediately.
Emergency Department Flow
Jane Hayward (Director of Transformation- UHS), John Richards (Chief Executive Officer, NHS Southampton City CCG) and Matt Stevens (Southampton CCG Board - Lay Member (Patient and Public Involvement)) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. During discussion the following points were raised:
· The need for clearer information within the reports;
· The increasing demand on the Emergency Department (ED). The Panel raised concerns that the performance targets for the ED had continued to be missed whilst demand had continued to increase. The Panel questioned whether the future planning of resources would see the targets being reached;
· The relevance of the target was also raised. It was explained that nationally there had been difficulties from health trusts achieving the targets. It was explained that it was felt that there were better measures that could be used, including customer satisfaction;
· The steps taken to relieve the pressures on the ED. The Panel expressed a concern that this issue had been ongoing for a number of years and questioned whether it was likely to be resolved: and
· The Panel questioned whether the school closures due to flu had any knock on effect on the ED. It was explained that schools had been closed because of rules regarding the lack of teaching staff and not the number of ill children.
Delayed Transfers of Care
Jane Hayward (Director of Transformation - UHS), and Sharon Stewart (Service Lead, Adult Social Care – SCC) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting. During discussions the following points was raised:
· That there were currently differences in approach between the City and West Hampshire. It was explained that the process for managing transfers of care in Southampton had increased the ability of the service to transfer patients out of the hospital more effectively. It was further explained that it was hoped that Hampshire would be adopting a similar system to Southampton; and
· Similar to Hampshire, Southampton were commissioning a new framework for Home Care provision which aims to address challenges associated with complex delayed transfers of care.
(i) The Panel received updates in regard to the power outage and that the national report be circulated to the Panel on its release; and
(ii) The supporting information relating to the Emergency Department flow be circulated to the Panel.
Supporting documents: