Report of the Service Director, Legal and
Governance introducing the 2017/18 draft Quality Accounts for NHS
providers operating within Southampton.
The Panel considered the report of Service Director, Legal and Governance introducing the 2017/18 draft Quality Accounts for NHS providers operating within Southampton.
John Richards (Chief Executive Officer, NHS Southampton City CCG) and Stephanie Ramsey (Chief Quality Officer and Chief Nurse, NHS Southampton City CCG), were in attendance and with the consent of the Chair provided the Panel with the CCG’s opinion on the content of the draft quality accounts attached to the report. In addition, in response to questioning related to innovation and IT, the CCG outlined proposals for amendments to the 111 service.
The Panel heard from each of the service providers in turn giving them an opportunity to outline the highlights of the last 12 months and detail the reasoning for the inclusion of their priorities for the forthcoming year.
Solent NHS Trust
David Noyes (Chief Operating Officer, Southampton and County Services - Solent NHS Trust), Angela Anderson (Head of Professional Standards and Regulations – Solent NHS Trust) were in attendance and with the consent of the Chair outlined the years performance, challenges for the forthcoming year and the rationale behind the 2018/19 Trust priorities.
The Panel were informed that the results of the staff survey had been positive and that progress had been made reducing the number of delayed discharges. The Trust outlined efforts being undertaken to address staff recruitment and retention issues. It was noted that staff sickness rates had already improved.
It was also noted that, following a re-inspection by the Care Quality Commission, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Substance Misuse Services were now rated as ‘Good’ from ‘Requires Improvement’. This positive development was welcomed by the Panel. In addition it was explained to the Panel what the likely effects of the Sustainable Transformation Plan would be and in response to questioning the Trust’s current financial position was outlined to the Panel.
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Sara Courtney (Deputy Director of Nursing and Allied Healthcare Professionals - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust) Helen Ludford (Associate Director of Quality Governance - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust) were in attendance and with the consent of the Chair outlined the years performance, challenges for the forthcoming year and the Trust’s priorities for 2018/19. In addition Mr Joe Hannigan representing the Patients forum was present and, with consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Panel were informed that the Trust was continuing to embed improvements across the organisation following the publication of the Mazars report and the subsequent CQC Inspection report. The introduction of the Crisis Lounge was discussed. It was reported that, since opening in October 2017, the service had already had a positive impact on service users and Emergency Department attendance, and was now open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
The Panel noted that the Family Liaison officer continued to effectively support families and carers and was a key element of the Trust’s drive to improve patient and staff engagement.
It was acknowledged by the Trust that they, alongside most NHS providers, continued to experience workforce challenges, especially in the recruitment and retention of Mental Health Nurses and Psychiatrists. The Trust outlined its approach to addressing this concern including the development of a retention plan that was now being embedded across Southern Health.
The Panel recognised that the performance of the Trust continued to improve and that a positive change in culture was evident. The Panel did however question the impact that the recent fines, relating to previous Trust shortcomings, would have on the Trust’s finances.
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Gail Byrne (Director of Nursing and Organisational Development - University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust) was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair outlined the years performance, challenges for the forthcoming year and the rationale behind the 2018/19 Trust priorities.
The Panel acknowledged that the findings from the CQC inspection and the recent staff survey indicated that the Trust had performed well over the year. The Panel noted that staff members had shown exceptional commitment to the Trust and patients during the period of bad weather and heavy snow.
The Trust acknowledged that the 4 hour waiting time target for the Emergency Department and delayed discharges continued to be challenging but noted that the Trust continued to work with partners to improve performance.
Panel Members requested that the Trust should look to enhance its onsite facilities for parking, enabling better collection and drop off facilities for patients and recently discharged patients, especially for those being discharged in wheelchairs or on crutches.
It was also noted that workforce matters continued to be a challenge and that the Trust had set up an apprenticeship scheme for 50 students. It was also noted that the hospital continued to utilise technology effectively to improve outcomes.
Care UK – Southampton NHS treatment Centre
Anne Richardson (Head of Nursing and Clinical Services Southampton NHS Treatment Centre - Care UK) was in attendance and with the consent of the Chair outlined the years performance, challenges for the forthcoming year and priorities for 2018/19.
The Panel acknowledged that Care UK continued to provide a good service and that there was a high customer satisfaction rating for those attending the treatment centre. The Panel were informed that Care UK had sought to learn from previous “never events” that had occurred at the Treatment Centre.
The Panel noted the CCG’s comments with regards to the increasing length of time it took in 2017/18 for patients who had been referred for treatment receiving the required treatment at the Treatment Centre.
RESOLVED that the Panel:
(i) Noted the appended 2017/2018 draft Quality Accounts for each of the City’s NHS providers;
(ii) Agreed that a response to each of the Quality Accounts would be constructed that encompassed the comments made by the Panel, and in consultation with the Chair of the Panel, for inclusion within the final draft of each account; and
(iii) Requested that the further development of the 111 service be brought to the Panel for consideration at a suitable meeting.
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