Agenda item

Call-In of Executive Decision CAB 17/18 20348 - Development of an offer for children with disabilities

Report of the Service Lead - Legal and Governance detailing the Call-in of Executive Decision CAB 17/18 20348 - Development of an offer for children with disabilities.


The Committee considered the report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance detailing the call-in of Executive Decision CAB 17/18 20348 – Development of an offer for Children with Disabilities 


Ms Toni Martin, a parent carer was present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


RESOLVED that Cabinet was not requested to reconsider the called in decision at the next decision meeting.  The decision was therefore deemed as implemented with immediate effect. 


Following discussion with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care in accordance with ongoing monitoring of the decision, it was agreed that:


a)  Officers review the consultation and communication processes to ensure that, as the proposals were implemented, the Council was engaging with as many parents, carers, children and young people with disabilities as possible;

b)  The communication with young people with disabilities, parents and carers provides clear information on the relevant rights of children with disabilities and parents/carers as well as the Council’s complaints process;

c)  Consideration was given to utilising the expertise and experience acquired by the Integrated Commissioning Unit to support quality assurance and control processes within the Council’s in house social care services;

d)  Officers factor intelligence based on migration data into decisions relating to future service demand; and

e)  A written update was provided to the Committee in 6 months’ time and that the subject returns to the OSMC agenda in 12 months’ time.  


Supporting documents: