Report of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight
Sustainability and Transformation Plan Lead detailing progress made
to date on the core delivery programmes.
The Panel considered the report of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) Lead detailing progress made to date on the core delivery programmes.
Richard Samuel (Hampshire and Isle of Wight – Sustainability and Transformation Plan Lead) and John Richards (Chief Officer NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group) and Dr Sue Robinson (Clinical Chair of the Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Panel were presented with an overview of how the regional STP was progressing and developing its core delivery programmes. It was noted that these had been broadened to include services for the treatment of children and cancer. It was noted that the STP was building on local plans such as the Better Care programme in the City. It was explained that local ownership of the programme was a key aspect of the STP.
The Panel questioned how IT issues were being managed noting that the Hampshire Health Records System had provided a platform that enabled the differing health organisations to share information electronically.
It was explained that the City’s Better Care Programme had been used to help draw together the draft Southampton City Local Delivery System Plan. The Chief Officer NHS Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group explained that it would be possible to share this draft plan with the Panel in order for Members to understand the detail of how the local plan was feeding into the core programmes of the STP.
The Panel questioned how the system was adapting to the use of modern technology especially around the potential scope of text messaging. The Panel were keen to see the local system taking advantage of the opportunities such as these to drive forward savings, greater efficiency and an enhanced patient experience. The Panel discussed the 111 service and in particular reflected on the pilot that was introducing a greater level of clinical input into the service with the aim of making it more effective and increasing patient satisfaction.
The Panel questioned how both local and regional plans would impact on dental health outcomes within the City. The recommendation of the former Southampton Public Health Director which set out their considerations relating to the addition of fluoride to the water supply in Southampton was noted and the Panel requested clarification on the decision making process and on the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board in this matter.
The Panel questioned how the STP would include considerations around adults with learning disabilities. The Panel were particularly concerned that delays on health care plans for children would have a knock on effect in establishing the correct levels of funding.
RESOLVED that the Panel requested:
(i) that clarification is provided to the Panel of the decision making process required to introduce fluoride into the water supply and the role that the Health and Wellbeing Board would play in this decision;
(ii) that the draft Southampton City Local Delivery System Plan is circulated to the Panel;
(iii) that the Panel would review the impact of, and the potential for technology at a future meeting.
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