Agenda item

Planning Application - 16/01898/FUL -St Marys Stadium Britannia Road

Report of the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Service Head, Planning, Infrastructure and Development Manager recommending that authority delegated for approval in respect of the application for a proposed development at the above address.


Application for variation of condition 6 of planning permission Ref 07/01397/VC to increase the maximum number of concerts to be held at the stadium in any calendar year from 4 to 6.


David Jobbins (agent) was present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that the planning conditions would be updated to re-impose requirements on the original permission. Upon being put to the vote the officer recommendation to delegate to the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development permission to grant approval was carried unanimously.




(i)  That the Panel delegated approval to the Service Lead, Planning Infrastructure and Development Manager to grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of this report and the completion of a deed of variation to the original S.106 Legal Agreement to secure:

a.  The submission, implementation and annual review of a Concert Management Plan, which includes the Vanguardia Noise Management Plan, to minimise noise and disturbance, transport impacts; safety and security and; anti-social behaviour in accordance with policies SDP1, SDP15 SDP16, SDP17 of the  amended Local Plan Review 2015 and Policies CS19 and CS25 of the Core Strategy (revised 2015);

b.  To minimise disruption to local residents, mitigate transport impacts and reduce the air quality impact of the development, in accordance with policies SDP1, SDP5, SDP15 of the Local Plan and policies CS18, CS19 and CS25 of the Core Strategy and the Developer Contribution SPD, secure a scheme for the implementation of transport and parking measures to include:

·  The provision of satellite car parking;

·  The provision of a shuttle bus service from the Central Station and Ferry Terminals;

·  Other Highway and Traffic Measures including CCTV monitoring, residents parking schemes and traffic regulation orders;

·  The provision of a combined ticket or other method of payment to encourage public transport use; and

·  A Travel Plan.

c.  To retain the operation of a scheme of mitigation measures for residents in Britannia Road in the interests of residential amenity and to meet the requirements of policy SDP1 of the Local Plan and policy CS25 of the Core Strategy.

d.  To retain the implementation of a litter strategy in accordance with policy SDP1 of the Local Plan and policy CS25 of the Core Strategy.

e.  To retain community facilities in accordance with policy CS3 of the Core Strategy 2015.

f.  To secure and retain a Stadium Monitoring Group for community liaison with relevant local groups including the Stadium, the Police and the Council in accordance with policies SDP1, SDP10, SDP16 of the Local Plan and policy CS25 of the Core Strategy.

g.  To secure off-site stewarding including at satellite car parking sites in the interest the safety and convenience of users of the public highway in accordance with policy SDP1 of the Local Plan Review (amended 2015), CS18 and CS25 of the Core Strategy (amended version 2015).

(ii)  In the event that the legal agreement is not completed or progressed within a reasonable timeframe after the Planning and Rights of Way Panel, the Service Lead Planning, Infrastructure and Development Manager will be authorised to refuse permission on the ground of failure to secure the provisions of the Section 106 Legal Agreement, unless an extension of time agreement has been entered into.

(iii)  That the Service Lead Planning, Infrastructure and Development Manager be given delegated powers to add, vary and /or delete relevant parts of the Section 106 agreement and/or conditions as necessary. In the event that the scheme’s viability is tested prior to planning permission being issued and, following an independent assessment of the figures, it is no longer viable to provide the full package of measures set out above then a report will be brought back to the Planning and Rights of Way Panel for further consideration of the planning application.





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