Agenda item


Report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance regarding combating loneliness for Children, Young People and Working age Adults.


The Panel considered the report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance regarding combating loneliness for children, young people and working age adults.


Following discussions with invited representatives the Panel concluded that:


·  Although much less attention has been paid to how loneliness affects other age groups, it was evident that loneliness was prevalent amongst the wider population.

·  Some groups have a higher risk of loneliness and isolation.  Innovative work has been undertaken in Southampton, often led by the voluntary sector, to help identify and support lonely people through initiatives such as peer support, counselling and befriending.

·  Social media gives us more ways to connect with other people than ever, in some cases it can actually add to loneliness, particularly for young people.

·  The voluntary sector and partnership working was identified as a strength in Southampton.  Opportunities need to be considered to further strengthen the resilience and community mindedness of Southampton.

·  There was a need to review services to provide greater alignment, reduce duplication and identify clearer access routes.


RESOLVED that that the comments made by: Sally Denley, Public Health Development Manager, Southampton City Council; Clare Grant, Peer Support Officer, Solent Mind; Julie Marron, Project Officer, Southampton Young Carers; Phil Lee, Project Manager, Carers in Southampton; Debbie Burns, Deputy Chief Executive, Youth Options; Alison Ward, Operations Manager, No Limits; Mandy Harding, Southampton Street Pastors Co-ordinator; Pamela Campbell, Consultant Nurse Homelessness and Health Inequalities, Solent NHS Trust be noted and used as evidence in the review.

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