Agenda item

Call-in of Executive Decision: CAB 15/16 15193 - The Future of the Southampton Library Service

Report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services detailing the Call-in of Executive Decision CAB 15/16 15193 - The Future of the Southampton Library Service, attached.


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services detailing the call-in of Executive Decision CAB 15/16 15193 – The Future of the Southampton Library Service.


Ann MacGillivray, Kevin Lancashire, Lindsi Bluemel, Tim Forcer (spoke on behalf of Cobbett Road Library), Denise Wyatt (spoke on behalf of Millbrook Library), Sarah Dockree, Suzanne Baker (spoke on behalf of Burgess Road Library), Anne Sutherland (Member of the public), Tom Doak (spoke on behalf of Weston Library), Councillor Pope and Councillor White were present and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


RESOLVED that Cabinet reconsider the called in decision at the next decision meeting. 


The following points were sought to be addressed by Cabinet if, at the meeting on 15 September, Cabinet confirm the decision taken on 18 August:


(a)  that Cabinet commit to ensure flexibility within timescales for community led initiatives to be established within the six libraries should formal arrangements not be in place by 31 March 2016;

(b)  that, to enable effective scrutiny, Cabinet clarifies the timetable and the process for the establishment of community led libraries;

(c)  that Cabinet identifies the financial support the Housing Revenue Account would be able to provide in relation to the Library Service;

(d)  that Cabinet provide details, including outcomes, of discussions that had taken place with other local authorities regarding sharing library services;

(e)  that, due to the change in location and increased usage since the consultation commenced, Cabinet review the position in relation to Millbrook Library; and

(f)  that a confidential briefing be provided to Members ahead of Full Council on the Expressions of Interest received on the Library Service. 


NOTE: Councillors Tucker and Jordan declared a personal interest in the matter set out in the report.  Councillor Tucker was a board member of the Arts Council South West and Councillor Jordan was a board member of Plus You Limited.  Thornhill Library was occupied under a licence with Plus You Limited.


NOTE: Councillor Moulton declared that the Conservative Party position was to oppose the closure of libraries in Southampton.

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