Agenda item

Land Opposite 69-73 Whitworth Crescent, 14/01431/FUL


Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending that delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.




The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Works to facilitate and use of the site for four x residential houseboats.


Mr Samwell and Mr Goddard (Local Residents/objecting), Councillor Inglis (Ward Councillor/objecting) and Mrs Gould (Agent/supporting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported an additional clause (d) to the recommendation.




  (i)  that authority be delegated to the Planning and Development Manager to grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in the report, the amended conditions set out below; and


a)  notwithstanding the submission of an existing site survey and proposed spot levels the receipt of a satisfactory plan showing a series of cross sections to scale through the site from the road at Whitworth Crescent down to the foreshore clearly illustrating the changes in land levels at 1m intervals; 

b)  details of the earthworks (both cut and fill) required to be undertaken in terms of the volume of material required to be moved and how this work would be undertaken;

c)  no objection being received from the Council’s Ecologist and Structural Engineer following receipt of the additional information; and

d)  the submission of a unilateral agreement confirming that works to implement planning permission 930663/E will cease.


  (ii)  that in the event that a satisfactory plan, sufficient details and the submission of a unilateral agreement (as set above) are not submitted or an objection is raised from the necessary consultees within three months from the date of this Panel meeting the Planning and Development Manager be authorised to refuse permission as necessary; and


  (iii)  that the Planning and Development Manager be given delegated powers to add, vary and /or delete conditions as necessary and particularly in relation to the above matter being satisfactorily resolved.


Amended Conditions


05. APPROVAL CONDITION - Removal of Permitted Development [performance condition]

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order, no development permitted by class E (outbuildings, enclosures or swimming pools) and F (hard surfaces) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Order, shall be carried out without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority for the houseboat hereby approved.



In order to protect the amenities of the locality and to maintain a good quality environment.


06. APPROVAL CONDITION - Storage / Removal of Refuse Material [Pre-Occupation Condition]

Before the houseboats are first occupied full details of facilities to be provided for the storage and removal of refuse from the site, together with the provision of suitable bins accessible with a level approach shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The facilities shall include accommodation and the provision of separate bins for the separation of waste to enable recycling. The approved refuse and recycling storage shall be retained whilst the Houseboats are used for residential purposes. 



In the interests of visual amenity, the amenities of future occupiers of the development and the amenities of occupiers of nearby properties.


Remove condition 12 as duplication and renumber the conditions from condition 12 onwards.


Amend Condition 25 now 24 to read as set out below.


24. APPROVAL CONDITION – Restriction on number of boats [Performance Condition]

At no time shall more than four boats be moored to the pontoon hereby permitted.  No boat shall in any case be so moored as to project beyond the outer support pile.



To protect the character of the area and in the interests of the visual amenities of nearby residents.


RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission.


FOR:  Councillors Denness, Hecks, Tucker and Coombs

ABSTAIN:  Councillor Wilkinson

Supporting documents: