Agenda item

Harcourt Mansions, 74 Whitworth Crescent, 15/00610/FUL


Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending that delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.




The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Erection of a part three-storey, part two-storey building to create two x three-bed houses, one x two-bed house and six x two-bed flats with associated parking and cycle/refuse storage


Mrs MacGillivray and Mr Whyte (Local Residents/objecting), Councillor Inglis (Ward Councillor/objecting) and Mr Donohue (Agent) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that since the report had been published:-


  (i)  five objections had been received (two of which were petitions);

  (ii)  one petition had 56 signatories in relation to car parking;

  (iii)  one petition had 62 signatories in relation to the impact on trees;

 (iv)  the only material planning consideration raised that had not been addressed in the report related to the parking of construction vehicles and current condition 22 was amended to become a construction management condition to include parking of construction related vehicles; and

  (v)  no objection had been raised in relation to the tree consultation that had been received and an additional condition was added regarding arboricultural protection measures.




  (i)  that authority be delegated to the Planning and Development Manager to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement, the conditions listed in the report and the amended and additional conditions set out below;


  (ii)  that in the event that the legal agreement is not completed within two months of the Panel meeting date the Planning and Development Manger be authorised to refuse permission on the grounds of failure to secure the provisions of the Section 106 Legal Agreement;  and


  (iii)  that the Planning and Development Manager be given delegated powers to add, vary and/or delete relevant parts of the Section 106 Agreement and/or conditions as necessary.


Amended Condition


Amend current condition 22 to become a construction management condition to include parking of construction related vehicles:-



APPROVAL CONDITION – Construction Method Statement (CMS)


Prior to the commencement of development details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority making provision for a “Construction Method Statement” (CMS) for the development. The CMS shall include details of:-

a)  Parking of vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors;

b)  Any site compound details and contractor’s cabins/office;

c)  Loading and unloading of plant and materials;

d)  Storage of plant and materials, including cement mixing and washings, used in constructing the development;

e)  Treatment of all relevant pedestrian routes and highways within the site throughout the course of construction and their reinstatement where necessary;

f)  A scheme for the erection and maintenance of security hoardings including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing;

g)  A scheme for recycling waste resulting from the construction programme;

h)  details of lorry routing

i)  Measures to be used for the suppression of dust and dirt throughout the course of construction;

j)  Measures for the cleaning of wheels and the under chassis of lorries leaving the site;

k)  Details of how noise and vibration emanating from the site during construction will be mitigated;

l)  A "hotline" telephone number and email address shall be provided for the use of residents in the case of problems being experienced from demolition and construction works on the site. The phone line will be provided, managed and problems dealt with by a person or persons to be nominated by the developer and shall operate throughout the entire development period;

m)  The methods of supervision to ensure that workers have knowledge of the method statement;


The approved CMS shall also include proposals to monitor these measures (as set out above) at the site boundary to ensure that a statutory nuisance does not arise beyond the site boundary, and shall be adhered to throughout the development process unless agreed otherwise in writing by the local planning authority.



In the interest of safety, protecting the amenity of local land uses, neighbouring residents, the character of the area and highway safety.


Additional Condition


APPROVAL CONDITION - Arboricultural Protection Measures [Pre-Commencement Condition]


No works or development shall take place on site until a scheme of supervision for the arboricultural protection measures has been approved in writing by the LPA.  This scheme will be appropriate to the scale and duration of the works and may include details of:

·  Induction and personnel awareness of arboricultural matters

·  Identification of individual responsibilities and key personnel

·  Statement of delegated powers

·  Timing and methods of site visiting and record keeping, including updates

·  Procedures for dealing with variations and incidents.



To provide continued protection of trees, in accordance with Local Plan Policy SDP12 and British Standard BS5837:2012, throughout the development of the land and to ensure that all conditions relating to trees are being adhered to.  Also to ensure that any variations or incidents are dealt with quickly and with minimal effect to the trees on site.


RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission.


FOR:  Councillors Denness, Coombs and Tucker

AGAINST:  Councillors Hecks and Wilkinson


Supporting documents: