Agenda item

366-368 Shirley Road, 14/01608/FUL


Report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending that delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address, attached.







The Panel considered the report of the Planning and Development Manager recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Redevelopment of the site. demolition of the existing buildings and erection of two, three and four-storey buildings to provide 49 dwellings (five X one-bedroom, 17 X two-bedroom, 20 X three-bedroom, seven X four-bedroom) and a car sales showroom with vehicular access from Villiers Road.


Councillor Furnell (Ward Councillor/objecting) and Mr Hodder (Agent) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that:-

  (i)  since writing the report one additional representation had been received from Royal Mail and that all points raised by them had been fully taken into account within the report; and

  (ii)  there were changes to the recommendation to include the receipt of a tracking diagram to prove that a refuse collection vehicle can turn on site and an additional Head of Term 2 (vii) to the Section 106 Legal Agreement.



  (i)  that authority be delegated to the Planning and Development Manager to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement with an additional Head of Term 2 (vii), the receipt of a tracking diagram to prove that a refuse collection vehicle can turn on site, the conditions listed in the report and the amended conditions as set out below;


  (ii)  that in the event that the legal agreement is not completed within two months of the Panel meeting date the Planning and Development Manger be authorised to refuse permission on the grounds of failure to secure the provisions of the Section 106 Legal Agreement; and


  (iii)  that the Planning and Development Manager be given delegated powers to add, vary and/or delete relevant parts of the Section 106 Agreement and/or conditions as necessary.


Additional Head of Term 2 (vii) to the Section 106 Legal Agreement to read:


Car Parking Restriction.  An obligation precluding future residents of the flats receiving car parking permits for the adjoining Controlled Parking Zones.




Amended Conditions


Amend Condition 01 to allow 5 years for implementation.


01 APPROVAL CONDITION - Full Permission Timing Condition - Physical works


The development works hereby permitted shall begin not later than five years from the date on which this planning permission was granted.



To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


Reword condition 12: not 1 for 1 parking but 48 parking spaces to be provided for the residents of the scheme and 2 for the operators of the car sales business:


12 APPROVAL CONDITION – Layout of Car Parking/Servicing (residential use) (Pre-Occupation Condition)


The whole of the car parking, footways (including the undercroft access through the site) and road access/servicing facilities to be provided for residential use shown on the approved plans shall be laid out and made available before residential occupation of the development hereby approved and thereafter retained solely for the use of the occupants and visitors to the site and for no other purpose. No more than two disabled car parking bays are necessary and thus revised parking layout can be submitted to demonstrate an alternative parking arrangement increasing the number of parking spaces provided. If an alternative parking arrangement is chosen amended plans must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of the development., once approved the development must take place in accordance with the agreed details and the on-site parking shall be allocatedwith 48 being provided for residential purposes and 2 parking spaces being provided for use by the commercial unit on site.



To ensure adequate on-site parking and servicing facilities and to avoid congestion in the adjoining highway


RECORDED VOTE to grant planning permission.


FOR:  Councillors Tucker, Coombs and Wilkinson

AGAINST:  Councillor Hecks


NOTE:  Councillor Denness declared a personal interest in the above application and withdrew from the meeting for the consideration of this item.



Supporting documents: