Agenda item

Minutes of the Previous Meeting (Including matters arising)

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 31st October, 2013 and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 30th June 2014 be approved and signed as a correct record. 


Matters arising:


Item 2 – Art Gallery Roof


Whilst informal meetings had taken place with Councillor Barnes-Andrews, discussions concerning the establishment of an independent charitable trust had not moved forward.  The Committee wished to encourage the Council to give serious consideration to set up a charitable trust status.


It was noted that an options appraisal had been carried and if agreed by the Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure a report would be submitted to Cabinet in August 2015 to start the consultation exercise.


The Committee’s response to the alternative governance model options appraisal paper (February 2015) detailed below:


‘The Paper also expresses in rather dry, bureaucratic language its analysis of the situation and clearly displays a lack of understanding of what is likely to be the most successful option for the Art Gallery and the Chipperfield Trust.  It seriously underestimates the vision, imagination and determination that will be necessary to re-establish the Gallery’s position as the pre-eminent venue for viewing 20/21st Century British Art outside of London and isn’t it that what we should all be aspiring to.


What all successful, dynamic Art Galleries in this country and throughout Europe have in common is recognition that a strong, well respected director/curator in overall charge is a crucial factor.


The Chipperfield Advisory Committee was initially set up in the aftermath of the controversy surrounding potential sales from the collection that were being suggested at that time.  The Advisory Committee was seen as a body of individuals with experience of a connections with art, culture and education that would not be affected by the same potential conflict of interest that might be encountered by councillors and Trustees performing the same role.  In addition it was hoped that the Advisory Committee might become an importance force in raising extra funds for the gallery.  After considerable time and many meetings and consultations with a variety of individuals the Advisory Committee came to the conclusion that the best way forward for the Gallery and The Chipperfield Trust was for it to be constituted as a single Trust separate from the Council.  This viewpoint has been the subject of several informal and formal statements over the past year.


The Chipperfield Advisory Committee have already outlined the potential opportunities that exist for fundraising under the auspices of a single Trust as well as providing a detailed analysis of the methodology and procedures necessary to form a single Trust. 


It should be noted that these proposals include a clear commitment to continue to work in partnership with Southampton City Council in order to maintain the Civic connection with the gallery albeit under an alternatively devolved system of governance. 


It seems to me that [Chair] yet again, there could be a conflict of interest in the role of councillors required to make cuts etc still trying to maintain a position in the cultural life of Southampton and their role as trustees of the Chipperfield Trust.  The Options paper seems to overlook the status of the Chipperfield Trust as an existing entity and constantly refers to the Art Gallery (as if it was a property of the Council). 


Sublimation into the Hampshire Cultural Trust would simply dilute the possibilities that only a single standalone Trust would have.  There would remain conflicting demands and given the size of the subsequent organisation, no doubt a bloated management structure that would exercise a dead weight over everything. 


We remain unconvinced that the trustees of the Chipperfield Trust actually know our views or are aware of the work that we have already undertaken in our attempt to give them best advice and would categorically state that the conclusions of the Options Paper do not contain the best way forward for the Trust and the Art Gallery.’


The Committee were that the Trustees were aware of their views and requested that regular communication between the Committee and the Trustees was established rather than relying on an Annual Report. 


Supporting documents: