Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday, 4th September, 2024 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre

Contact: Ed Grimshaw Democratic Services Officer  023 8083 2390

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 13 March 2024 and 24 July 2024  and to deal with any matters arising, attached.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED :  that the Minutes of meetings held on 13 March 2024 and 24 July 2024  be signed as a correct record  of the neetings


Update from Southampton Carers Partnership Board pdf icon PDF 182 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health outlining the presentation from the Carers Partnership Board.

Additional documents:


The Board received a briefing from the Carers Partnership Board.


Andy Scorer and Claire May-Molinero were present  and with the consent of the Chair addressed the meeting.


The Board discussed an number of issues including:

·  The activities of the Carers Partnership Board;

·  The priorities of the Carers Action Plan;

·  The importance of collaboration with and inclusion of Carers when designing services to help design services in coproduction with those that require the services and not impose a service on them;

·  The need for hospitals and doctors surgeries to be more aware of the difficulties that changing or cancelling appointment may have on carers; 

·  Support for young carers between 18-25 years of age. It was acknowledged that more work on aiding young people to transition from young carers to adult cares was required;

·  The significant economic costs to both the City and to the indivdual in ensuring that people can best fulfil their caring rules and take an active part in the community;

·  The amount of change within the local system with the development of the Integrated Neighbourhoods Team and the need to ensure that support for carers.


Board Members what actions they would take back to their organisation following the presentation members listed a number of actions including:


  • Wendy Rees, Southern Health, committed to look at how Southern Health can take the impact on carers into account when appointments are moved.   


  • Dr Sarah Young, Integrated Care Board (ICB), committed to refresh good practice guidance for GP surgeries and encourage them to share good practice in the City as a means of driving improvement.  Dr Young will also ensure co-production of the new Integrated Neighbourhood Teams work. 


  • Councillor Winning felt that as a large employer, the City Council must be carer-friendly.  As such Cllr Winning would like to ensure that the Local Authority has embedded support for unpaid carers in the City Council workforce, which would result in a happier and healthier workforce. 


  • Trevor Smith, University Hospitals Southampton, committed to look at the process for short term cancellation of operations in hospital and the impact this has on carers and in doing so will also link with the University Hospitals Southampton Carers’ forum. 


  • Debbie Hendry, Unpaid Carers Support Southampton, would like to return and update the Board on the work being done by their service.   


  • Kate Concannon, Principal Social Worker for Adult Services committed to work on a ‘menu’ of carers breaks (supported by Accelerated Reform Funding), look at how to better support carers at the hospital via the Accelerated Reform Funding, identify young carers who care for people known to Adult Social Care, update the Adult Social Care ‘Who’s Who’ and share widely, increase the uptake of carers training for Adult Social Care Staff, look at the role of Carers’ Champion in new Adult Social Care teams.  It was noted that although not a board member but had attended for the purposes of this item.



Outcome of local area Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) area inspection pdf icon PDF 568 KB

Report of Rob Henderson, Executive Director, outlining the outcome of the recent SEND inspection.

Additional documents:


Board Members considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning detailing the outcome of the recent investigation into the provision of Special Educational Needs in the City.


The Board were briefed by the Executive Director for Children and Learning who acknowledged that the report was fair and its findings fell in lie with known areas of required improvement within the service.  It was noted that there is a strain on provision of these services nationally and that overall the local services were performing better than a number of authorities. However the report had highlighted that there was work to be done.  The Executive Director and the Cabinet Member accepted this and set the out what steps that needed to be addressed.  It was noted that the authority needed to commit to the actions and cultural requirements set out in section 5 of the report. 


It was explained that regionally authorities were coming together in a workshop to attempt to find solutions that would be exchanging examples of best practice and develop ways to deliver improvements regionally.





1.  That the inspection feedback is noted

2.  That the action plans in development are noted

3.  That Health and Wellbeing Board partners as strategic leaders for the system commit to the actions and cultural change required to deliver the areas of improvement


Partnership approach to healthy, sustainable food pdf icon PDF 405 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Adults & Health detailing the recommendations to support the development of a city-wide food partnership, provide system leadership and oversight.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health detailing the recommendations to support the development of a City-wide food partnership, provide system leadership and oversight.


The Board received a presentation detailing a number of issues including:


·  The health, economic, environmental and social imperatives to the City and globally of the current food system.  Officers detailed the complexity of the current system and stressed that changing it would only be possible with a group actions;

·  What were the potential of a food partnership approach could give the City and how its scope could achieve a betterment to the residents economically, socially and environmentally;

·  The ability to reduce duplications overlap and waste within the system;

·  How the partnership approach would amongst other benefits enable access to funding, greater economies of scale, increase community aware and resilience; and

·  Organisations already involved in the Partnership.




1.  Health and Wellbeing Board members support the development and growth of the city-wide food partnership, including a bid to become a Sustainable Food Place member.

2.  Health and Wellbeing Board members provide system leadership by promoting food partnership efforts in their own respective organisations and encouraging active contribution to the food partnership.

3.  The Health and Wellbeing Board provides a degree of governance and oversight by reviewing the progress of the City-wide food partnership in 12 months’ time.