Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Protecting, Preserving and Promoting The River Itchen in Southampton - Thursday, 2nd March, 2023 5.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre

Contact: Melanie Morley Democratic Services Officer 02380 832198 

Link: Link to meeting

No. Item


Protecting, Preserving and Promoting the River Itchen in Southampton - Exploring Good Practice pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Report of the Scrutiny Manager outlining the focus of the sixth meeting of the inquiry and requesting that the Panel consider the comments made by the invited guests and use the information provided as evidence in the review.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered the report of the Scrutiny Manager detailing examples of good practice being employed to protect, preserve and promote urban rivers in the UK.


The panel received the following representations:


Lindsay Pratt, Principal Planner, Glasgow City Council provided an overview of the River Clyde Strategic Development Framework (SDF) and advised that:


o  The growth and prosperity of Glasgow is intrinsically linked to the River Clyde.

o  De-industrialisation and economic contraction have impacted on the river corridor and Glasgow City inner-urban core.

o  The re-invention of the corridor began in the 1980s, supported by significant investment and in 2005 by the River Clyde Flood Management Strategy which unlocked the redevelopment of derelict land and created cultural, leisure, educational destinations and employment and housing hubs. 

o  More recently there has been a shift to a knowledge economy, encouraged by the proximity to Glasgow University.

o  The river provides a strong framework for regeneration. There are opportunities to promote clusters of related activity but the future of the corridor is inseparable from climate change, particularly with regard to a risk of flooding. A long-term strategic approach to deliver sustainable development was required that understands flood risks alongside placemaking, and sustainable flood resilient design.

o  The wider planning policy context to the SDF involves the levels of the national, regional (Clydeside), and Glasgow City Development Plan. The River Clyde Corridor SDF is supplementary guidance to the City Plan operating at a larger scale than a masterplan.

o  Challenges have included complex issues effecting the river corridor and growth. In a 1 in 200 year flood event the river would over top the quay wall in a number of locations.

o  There are a high number of large vacant and derelict sites in prominent locations that impact on quality of place.

o  Investment in repair and maintenance of infrastructure (particularly quay walls) has declined with impact on investment opportunities, bio-diversity and flood resilience.

o  Poor Connectivity is caused by barriers, lack of continuous access routes and perceived lack of safety which prevents movement along, to and across the river. The Clydeside Expressway dual carriageway limits access to much of the north of the river.

o  It has taken a number of years to prepare the SDF, shaped by extensive consultation.  Three identified priorities are promoting a design-led, placemaking approach to enhance and protect the townscape, heritage and environment of the river corridor while delivering a well-connected and liveable city.

o  The agreed vision was that the river corridor will be a world-class destination, with an accessible waterfront and attractive spaces where people want to spend time. It will be climate-resilient and support a mix of uses. New houses and flats will be linked to existing neighbourhoods. The historic character will be protected and enhanced, while innovative design will help create a distinct identity. It will form part of a wider network of urban waterways, will support continuous walking and cycling routes, and be celebrated as the city’s largest, continuous open space.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.