Agenda and minutes

Planning and Rights of Way Panel - Tuesday, 23rd January, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 and 4 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Email:  023 8083 2390/ 07385 416491

Link: Link to meeting

No. Item


Minutes of the Previous Meeting (including matters arising) pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To approve and sign as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 December 2023  and to deal with any matters arising.


RESOLVED: that the minutes for the Panel meeting on 12 December 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Planning Application - 22/01094/FUL - Glyn Court, 37 Archers Road pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Transport and planning recommending that the Panel delegate approval  in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Transport and Planning in respect of an application for planning permission for the proposed development at the above address recommending that the application be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the criteria listed in the report.


Proposed fourth storey extension to existing building to create 2 additional 2 bedroom flats with associated parking and bin and bike storage.


Hugo Hui and Regina Jorge were present virtually and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.


The Panel then considered recommendation (2) that the application be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to criteria listed in the report and recommendation (3).  Upon being put to the vote the recommendations were carried unaminously.




1.  To confirm the Habitats Regulation Assessment set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

2.  That authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the report and the completion of a S.106 or S.111 Legal Agreement to secure either a scheme of measures or a financial contribution to mitigate against the pressure on European designated nature conservation sites in accordance with Policy CS22 of the Core Strategy and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

3.  That authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to add, vary and /or delete conditions as necessary, and to refuse the application in the event that item 2 above is not completed within a reasonable timescale.


Planning Application -23/00536/FUL - Land adjacent 46 Carnation Road pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Head of Transport and planning recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Transport and Planning in respect of an application for planning permission for the proposed development at the above address recommending that authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the criteria listed in the report.


Erection of two-storey dwelling (3 bedroom).


David Leighton (agent) was present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.


The Panel then considered recommendation (2) that authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to criteria listed in the report.  Upon being put to the vote the recommendations was carried unanimously.




1.  To confirm the Habitats Regulation Assessment set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

2.  That authority be delegated to the Head of Transport and Planning to grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the report and any additional or amended conditions or planning obligations set out below and the securing of the required Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project mitigation.  In the event that the SDMP payment is not secured within a reasonable timescale delegation is also given to refuse the ap and the securing of the required Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project mitigation.  In the event that the SDMP payment is not secured within a reasonable timescale delegation is also given to refuse the application as contrary to saved Core Strategy Policy CS22 (Protecting Habitats).





Planning Application - 22/01179/FUL - 26 Butterfield Road pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Transport and planning recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Transport and Planning in respect of an application for planning permission for the proposed development at the above address recommending that the application be conditionally approved subject to the criteria listed in the report.


Continued implementation of planning permission 20/01460/FUL not in accordance with condition 4 (Landscaping detailed plan) to vary approved landscaping plans


The presenting officer reported the need to amend Condition 11 to reflect that fact the property was now occupied.


Upon being put to the vote the Panel confirmed the Habitats Regulation Assessment.


The Panel then considered recommendation (2) that the application be conditionally approved subject to criteria listed in the report as amended.  Upon being put to the vote the recommendation as amended was carried unanimously.



(1)  That the Panel confirm the Habitats Regulation Assessment in Appendix 1 of the report.

(2)  that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out within the report and any additional or amended conditions set out below.


Changes to conditions


11.  Refuse & Recycling (Performance)

  Within 3 months of the date of this decision notice, the storage for refuse and recycling shall be provided in accordance with the plans hereby approved and thereafter retained as approved.

  Reason: In the interest of visual and residential amenity.


  Note: In accordance with para 9.2.3 of the Residential Design Guide (September 2006): if this development involves new dwellings, the applicant is liable for the supply of refuse bins, and should contact SCC refuse team at at least 8 weeks prior to occupation of the development to discuss requirements.




Planning Application - 23/01578/FUL - 111 Alma Road pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Head of Transport and planning recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Transport and Planning in respect of an application for planning permission for the proposed development at the above address recommending that the application be conditionally approved subject to the criteria listed in the report.


Erection of a pitched roof extension on rear outbuilding to create storage space in roofspace (description amended following validation)


Ann Woolnough (local resident objecting) Yvonne Chipangura (supporter) and Councillor Denness (ward councillor objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported an error in paragraph 6.3.3 and noted that it should have read “ As such, the proposal will not adversely harm the character and appearance of the local area. “


During discussion on the item, members raised the issue and officers agreed to amend their recommendation by the inclusion of an additional condition on the hours of working, as set out below.  



The Panel then considered the recommendation that the application be conditionally approved subject to criteria listed in the report as amended. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.


RECORDED VOTE  to conditionally approve the application.  


FOR:  Councillors Savage, Windle, J Baillie, Beaurain and Cox AGAINST:Councillors A Frampton and Greenhaigh



RESOLVED that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out within the report and the additional condition set out below.


Changes to condition


Hours of work for Demolition/Clearance/Construction (Performance)

All works relating to the demolition, clearance and construction of the development hereby granted shall only take place between the hours of:

Monday to Friday  08:00 to 18:00 hours

Saturdays  09:00 to 13:00 hours

And at no time on Sundays and recognised public holidays.

Any works outside the permitted hours shall be confined to the internal preparations of the buildings without audible noise from outside the building, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the occupiers of existing nearby residential properties.