Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Monday, 26th February, 2024 4.30 pm

Venue: Conference Room 3 - Civic Centre

Contact: Alison Philpott  023 8083 3076

No. Item


Statement from the Chair


The Chair noted the sad passing of Elizabeth Jenkinson and expressed thanks for her support over the years and passed the thoughts of SACRE on to her family.  It was noted that she had been an active member of Sacre over the previous 12 years and would be missed.


Minutes of the Last Meeting including Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 6 November 2023, attached.



RESOLVED: that the minutes for the meeting on 6 November 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Feedback on Events

To receive feedback and updates from members of the SACRE on any events or training attended.



Members that had attended the recent educational event at Bitterne Park Secondary school.  Members thanked the school for the invitation and reported the events of the day. Members thought that the event had given the students attending cause for thought and a broader understanding of religious communities and ways of thinking.


Constitution pdf icon PDF 390 KB

To receive the final version of the SACRE constitution following approval by the City Council.

Additional documents:


SACRE noted that the Constitution had now been agreed by the City Council.  It was noted that following legal advice the Southampton City Mission would stay as part of Group A of the membership.


It was also noted that the Constitution was now approved for a for year period and that each of the Groups should now nominate a substitute member.


Ofsted Report

To discuss issues relating to the Ofsted report.


It was explained that the expected report highlighting the effectiveness of religious education nationally that there was currently no bench mark to address for local provision.  It was noted that this item would need to return to a forthcoming meeting for consideration.  It was agreed that the Chair in conjunction with Vice-Chair and Richard Wharton would explore this matter on the publication of the expected report.


SACRE monitoring school visits procedures

Discussion on school visits


Members noted that the protocol for school visits needed to be reviewed.  It was explained that due that currently the professional adviser was accompanied by at least one member.  It was explained that the cost of the professional adviser’s time was currently under review and SACRE were asked to deliberate a number of options including: the charging of schools for the reports; members undertaking the reviews without the support of the professional adviser. 


It was noted that the visits and time were currently funded by the central services part of the schools budget was being review in the light of budgetary pressures.  It was noted that further inquiries would be made into how others undertook and paid for school visits.


It was agreed that SACRE valued that the input of the professional advisor greatly and felt the school monitoring was a valued part of ensuring the quality of religious education across the City.



Application for Westhill Grant

Discussion on the potential to apply for a grant.


SACRE agreed that a bid for funding should be prepared.  Members agreed that it should review the possibilities of preparing documentation and resources with the support of Southampton Council of Faiths that would look to promoting a better understanding of differing religious considerations within the City.  It was agreed that the Council’s professional advisor with support from the Council of Faiths would construct an application with the support of the Chair and Vice-Chair.



SCOF and SACRE Supporting Schools

Discussion on ideas that would help SACRE and SCOF (Southampton Council of Faiths) support schools across the City.


Members understood that the Southampton Council of Faiths were establishing a network of individuals and establishments that would be ready, willing and able to either host visiting groups of children at religious sites across the City or make presentations to schools, clubs or other organisations that would promote a greater understanding and knowledge of differing cultures and religions.  It was agreed that additional funding for this project could be part of a bid  for a Westhill grant.  It was noted that the professional advisor with the support of from the Council of Faiths would take this matter forward.