
Cabinet - Tuesday, 17th December, 2024 4.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Judy Cordell / Claire Heather  023 8083 2766

Link: Link to meeting

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


Disclosure Of Personal And Pecuniary Interests

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and the Council’s Code of Conduct, Members to disclose any personal or pecuniary interests in any matter included on the agenda for this meeting.

Executive Business


Statement from the Leader


Record of the Previous Decision Making pdf icon PDF 19 KB

Record of the decision making held on 26 November, 2024 attached.


Matters referred by the Council or by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for Reconsideration (if any)

There are no matters referred for reconsideration.


Reports from Overview and Scrutiny Committees (if any)

There are no items for consideration


Executive Appointments

To deal with any executive appointments, as required.

Items for Decision by Cabinet


Exclusion of the Press and Public - Exempt Papers included in the following Item

To move that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt appendix to the following Item

Appendix 1 of this report contains information deemed to be exempt from general publication based on Category 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding the information)) of paragraph 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules. In applying the public interest test this information has been deemed exempt from the publication due to commercial sensitivity. It is not considered to be in the public interest to disclose this information as it would reveal information which would put the Council at a commercial disadvantage.


Asset Development and Disposal Programme, Phase 2 pdf icon PDF 347 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Economic Development seeking approval for the phase 2 of the Asset Development and Disposal Programme.

Additional documents:


Exclusion of the Press and Public - Exempt Papers included in the following Item

To move that in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of any consideration of the exempt appendices to the following item.


Appendices 1- 6 contains information deemed to be exempt from general publication based on Category 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information)) of paragraph 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules. This includes details of a proposed transaction which if disclosed prior to contract, could put the Council or other parties at a commercial disadvantage.


Winchester Road, Wicks Unit pdf icon PDF 307 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Economic Development seeking approval for the splitting of the Council owned unit at 271 Winchester Road to create two units, after which to grant two new leases.

Additional documents: