Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 17th July, 2018 4.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Pat Wood  023 8083 2302

No. Item


Response to the Scrutiny Inquiry on drug-related litter pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Community Safety detailing the Executive’s response to the Scrutiny Inquiry on Drug-Related Litter. 

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DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20942)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Community Safety Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To receive and approve the proposed responses to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Inquiry Panel, to follow as a completed version of Appendix 1.



To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport seeking approval for funding awarded to Southampton City Council (SCC) from the DfT’s Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU).

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DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20833)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To accept funding totalling £1,731,677 awarded by the DfT for 2018/2019;

(ii)  To administer and monitor the use of Clean Air Zone Early Measures  Funding approved by Council for the delivery of cycle infrastructure and promotional activities to support the Council’s commitment to reduce emissions and improve air quality within the Southampton area;



Education Capital Programme (Secondary Schools Expansion) pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To consider the Report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills setting out proposals to provide increased secondary places and the provision of specialist educations places throughout the City. 

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DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20113)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, the report was modified to amend recommendation (iii) and insert a new recommendation (iv), Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  Approve the commencement of consultation on the proposals and options detailed in the report and appendix 1.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Children and Families to enter into (or continue) and conclude discussions with:

·  the Winchester and Portsmouth Diocese and St. Marks Primary School in relation to proposals for a new school on the St. Marks Primary School Site;

·  approach the Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Governors and the Head Teacher of St. George Catholic College to consider expansion by 300 places; and

·  the Portsmouth Diocesan Trust, Academy Trust, Governors and Head Teacher of St. Anne’s Catholic College to consider expansion of the school by 300 places.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Children and Families to engage with the Regional School Commissioner and the Department for Education to consider alternatives and options for the operation and funding of the construction of the new secondary school.

(iv)  The outcomes of any proposals following consultation with the Council’s Capital Board be submitted to a future Cabinet meeting for approval.

(v)  To note that the Service Director – Finance & Commercialisation has delegated authority to vary the Secondary School Expansion scheme within the Education Capital Programme in response to any change in requirements around the specification of the projects following consultation within the approved overall funding of the scheme.


Consortia Commissioning of Children's Residential Care pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care to accept the outcome of the procurement process for a Framework Agreement for the Consortia commissioning of children’s residential care. 

Additional documents:




DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20853)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To agree and accept the outcome of the procurement of a Framework Agreement for children’s residential care commissioned by a regional consortium led by Southampton City Council.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality and Integration to do what is necessary to implement recommendation (i) above.


Connected Southampton - 20 Year Local Transport Plan pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport outlining the approach for Connected Southampton as the new Local Transport Plan (LTP) for Southampton setting out the City Council’s vision and ambition for transport over the next 20 years. 

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DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20967)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To approve the launch of a 12 week consultation on the draft of Connected Southampton 2040.

(ii)  To authorise the Service Lead:  Infrastructure, Planning and Development to make minor presentational changes to the draft consultation document before its launch.


Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) - Consultation Results and final approval pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Living detailing the consultation results regarding the implementation of an additional HMO licensing scheme in the four wards of Bargate, Bevois, Portswood and Swaythling and to seek approval for designating these wards into a scheme of additional licensing for five years taking effect from summer 2018.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/1920805)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Living, Cabinet agreed the following:-


(i)  To note the outcome of a full consultation, which has taken place in accordance with the Housing Act 2004 and to consider and take into account the consultation responses in making a decision on this matter.

(ii)  Subject to (i) above, to approve the designation of Bevois, Bargate, Portswood and Swaythling wards as being subject to additional licensing, requiring all houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) to be licensed, apart from section 257 HMOs and buildings exempted by schedule 14 of the Housing Act 2004, to take effect from 1st October 2018 for five years.

(iii)  To delegate authority to the Director of Transactions & Universal Services to approve any changes to the Councils HMO licensing Policy and procedures as amended and / or extended as set out above  required in connection with the said designation.


Provision for a Regional Adoption Agency ( Adopt South) pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care seeking approval for the provision of a Regional Adoption Agency (Adopt South). 


This report is submitted for consideration as a general exception under paragraph 15 of the Access to Information procedure Rules in Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution, notice having been given to the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and the public.


The matter requires a decision on 17th July, 2018. The Service has relied upon joint working to progress this report and did not appreciate the requirement for the item to be included on the Forward Plan and for these reasons the decision cannot be deferred for inclusion in the next Forward Plan for decision following 28 clear days notice.


Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 21092)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Cabinet agreed the following:-


Having complied with paragraph 15 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules. These recommendations will :-


(i)  Approve the proposed model for delivery of adoption services as a Regional Adoption Agency.

(ii)  Approve the financial contribution to the Regional Adoption Agency of £1.387 M to be fixed for two years (2019/20 and 2020/21) and reviewed for 2021/22.

(iii)  Delegate authority to enter into the final interagency agreement to the Director of Children's Services in consultation with the Directors of Finance and Commercialisation and Legal & Governance and following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children's Services.


Community Chest Grants 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Quality and Integration seeking approval on round 1 awards for the Community Chest Grants 2018/19, following recommendations from the cross-party Community Chest Grant Advisory Panel. 

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 18/19 20821)


On consideration of the report of the Director of Quality and Integration, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture and Leisure agreed the following:-


(i)  To agree the recommendations made by the cross-party Community Chest Grant Advisory Panel