Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 22nd November, 2010 5.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Judy Cordell  023 8083 2430

No. Item


Record of the Previous Decision Making pdf icon PDF 46 KB

Record of the decision making held on 25th October 2010, attached.


The record of the Executive decision making held on 25 October 2010 were received and noted as a correct record.


Corporate Financial Monitoring for the Period to the end of September 2010 pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning summarising the General Fund Revenue financial position for the Authority for the 3 months to the end of the 2nd financial quarter of 2010 and highlighting any key issues by Portfolio which need to be brought to the attention of Cabinet, attached.


Additional documents:


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning summarising the General Fund Revenue financial position for the Authority for the 3 months to the end of the 2nd financial quarter of 2010 and having received representations from a Member of the Council, Cabinet noted that:


(i)  the current General Fund revenue budget monitoring position for the General Fund 2010/11 as at Month 6 (September), which is a forecast over spend at year end of £293,900 against the budget approved by Council on 17th February 2010, as outlined in paragraph 4.  This can be compared against the reported over spend at Month 3 of £1,123.600; an improvement of £829,700.

(ii)  the baseline forecast over spend for portfolios is £4,302,200;

(iii)  portfolios continue to take remedial action to manage a number of the corporate and key issues highlighted in this report and that the financial impact is reflected in the forecast position;

(iv)  the Risk Fund includes £3.3M to cover service related risks, and that the estimated draw at Month 6 is £3.0M to cover expenditure which is included within the baseline forecast portfolio over spend of £4.3M.  At this stage of the year, it has been prudently assumed that a further draw of £365,500 may be required in 2010/11 and consequently that the Risk Fund will be fully utilised;

(v)  the Revenue Development Fund now totals £3.6M following the allocation of a further £1.3M in 2010/11 to portfolios.  At this stage of the year it has been prudently assumed that the remainder of the Fund will be fully utilised, with the exception of £450,000.  This was earmarked for the Building Schools for the Future Programme which has been halted by the Government;

(vi)  it has been assumed that the contingency of £250,000 will be fully utilised by the end of 2010/11;

(vii)  the forecast includes an approved carry forward for Central Repairs and Maintenance as agreed by Full Council;

(viii)  the performance to date with regard to the delivery of the agreed savings proposals approved for 2010/11 as detailed in Appendix 10;

(ix)  the performance against the financial health indicators detailed in Appendix 11;

(x)  the performance outlined in the Quarterly Treasury Management Report attached as Appendix 12 and specifically that the indicator relating to the ratio of financing costs to the net revenue stream has been reviewed and amended to 10.0% as outlined in paragraph 16.  This amendment will be reflected in the next revision to the Treasury Management Strategy; and

(xi)  the current HRA budget monitoring position for 2010/11 as at Month 6 (September), which is a forecast under spend at year end of £1,300 against the budget approved by Council on 17th February 2010, as outlined in paragraph 17.  This can be compared against the reported over spend at Month 3 of £154,200; an improvement of £152,900.


Second Quarter Performance Monitoring for 2010/11 Corporate Plan pdf icon PDF 113 KB

The report of the Executive Director for Corporate Policy and Economic Development outlining the progress made at the end of September 2010 (Quarter 2) against the targets and commitments contained within the 2010/11 Corporate Plan, attached.


Additional documents:


On consideration of the report of the Executive Director for Corporate Policy and Economic Development outlining the progress made at the end of September 2010 (Quarter 2) against the targets and commitments contained within the 2010/11 Corporate Plan Cabinet noted that:


(i)  68% of Performance Indicators that are the responsibility of the Council and 93% of the Commitments set out in the 2010/11 Corporate Plan are reported to be on target at the end of September 2010; and

(ii)  appropriate actions are in place by the end of December 2010 for all areas where significant variances have been reported, where no targets have been set, or where monitoring information was not available at the end of September 2010.


Southampton Local Economic Assessment pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of Leader of the Council summarising the draft Local Economic Assessment for Southampton and seeking agreement to consult on its content, attached.


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 10/11 4951)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council and having received representations from a Member of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director, Corporate Policy and Economic Development following consultation with the Leader of the Council to consult on the draft Local Economic Assessment for Southampton; and

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director, Corporate Policy and Economic Development following consultation with the Leader of the Council to take any other action necessary to meet the Council’s obligations under the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 in respect the duty to produce a Local Economic Assessment (LEA).


Court Leet Presentments 2010 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Report of the Solicitor to the Council setting out Presentments accepted by Court Leet, the action taken to date and identifying Lead Members and Officers for future actions, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 10/11 4799)


On consideration of the report of the Leader of the Council and having received representations from Members of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  That the initial officer responses to the Presentments approved by the Court Leet Jury as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted; and

(ii)  That individual Cabinet Members ensure that responses are made to Presenters regarding presentments within their portfolios as appropriate and as soon as practically possible.


Primary School Review: Phase 2 Statutory Consultation pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Learning seeking approval for statutory consultation to begin in January 2011, on proposals relating to the future provision of primary school places throughout the City starting from September 2011, attached.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 10/11 4712)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member forChildren’s Services and Learning and having received representations from Members of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following modified decision:


  1. To note the outcome of the pre-statutory consultation as set out in Appendix 1 of this report.
  2. To make the following statutory proposals for changes to primary education in the city by enlarging the following schools in September 2011.

(i)  The enlargement by 15 places (0.5FE – forms of entry) per year group of Bassett Green Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 7 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1.5FE (45 places) to 2FE (60 places) per year group, and increasing the net capacity from 315 to 420 by September 2017.

(ii)  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – form of entry) per year group of Glenfield Infant School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 3 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 2FE (60 places) to 3FE (90 places) per year group, and increasing the net capacity from 179 to 270 by September 2013.

(iii)  The enlargement by 10 places (0.33FE – forms of entry) per year group of Highfield CE Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 7 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1.16FE (35 places) to 1.5FE (45 places) per year group, and increasing the net capacity from 233 to 315 by September 2017.  This enlargement would be carried out in conjunction with the CE diocese of Winchester.

(iv)  The enlargement by 15 places (0.5FE – forms of entry) per year group of Kanes Hill Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 7 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1.5FE (45 places) to 2FE (60 places) per year group, and increasing the net capacity from 315 to 420 by September 2017.

(v)  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – forms of entry) per year group of Moorlands Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 7 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1FE (30 places) to 2FE (60 places) per year group, and increasing the net capacity from 210 to 420 by September 2017.

(vi)  The enlargement by 30 places (1FE – forms of entry) per year group of Shirley Warren Primary School, with implementation from 1 September 2011, beginning with Year R and continuing incrementally until all 7 years have been expanded.  This would have the effect of enlarging the school from 1FE (30 places) to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


Estate Regeneration Programme pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing, to approve the preferred bidder(s) and seeking approval to undertake the redevelopment of the sites comprised within Phase 2 of the Estate Regeneration Programme (i.e. Cumbrian Way Shopping Parade, Exford Shopping Parade, 5-92 Laxton Close and 222-252 Meggeson Avenue), attached.


NOTE: There is a confidential appendix attached to this item that is not for general publication.


Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref CAB 10/11 4068)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and having received representations from Members of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To delegate to the Solicitor to the Council to amend, finalise and sign the Development Agreements with the preferred developers for each of the three sites within Phase 2 Estate Regeneration Programme with the respective preferred bidders comprising:


(a)  Lot 1 Exford Avenue Shopping Parade: Lovell Partnerships Limited /First Wessex Housing Association. 

(b)  Lot 3 Laxton Close: Lovell Partnerships Limited /First Wessex Housing Association. 

(c)  Lot 4 Meggeson Avenue: Lovell Partnerships Limited/First Wessex Housing Association.

(ii)  Lot 2 Cumbrian Way: Not to award.

(iii)  Delegate authority to the Head of Property and Procurement to negotiate and agree the purchase of each of the parcels of land shown edged red on Appendices 1 – 3 (being Exford Avenue Shopping Parade, 222-252 Meggeson Avenue and 5 – 92 Laxton Close)

(iv)  (a)   That subject to reasonable attempts to negotiate the acquisition of each of the parcels of land referred to in paragraph 3 above respectively having failed, that the Solicitor to the Council be authorised to make Compulsory Purchase Orders to acquire those relevant parcels of land and any necessary rights for the following parcels of land, all being within the Council’s Phase 2 Estate Regeneration Programme:

1.  Exford Avenue Shopping Parade as shown edged red on the map in  Appendix 1.

2.  222-252 Meggeson Avenue as shown edged red on the map in Appendix 2.

3.  5 – 92 Laxton Close as shown edged red on the map in Appendix 3.

under Section 226(1) (a) Town & Country Planning Act 1990 for the purpose of facilitating the carrying out of redevelopment and improvement of the land.

(b)  The Solicitor to the Council be authorised to approve the basis of each Statement of Reasons for making the Compulsory Purchase Orders as set out in Appendices 4 to 6.

(v)  The Solicitor to the Council be authorised to:

(a)  To make, advertise and secure confirmation and implementation of the Compulsory Purchase Orders referred to in paragraph 3(a) above.

(b)  To acquire interests in or rights over the land shown edged red on Appendices 1 - 3 either by agreement or compulsorily.

(c)  To amend all or any of the Statements of Reasons referred to in paragraph 4(b) above as required.

(d)  To approve agreements with land owners setting out the terms for withdrawal of any objections to any of the Compulsory Purchase Orders (to include payment of compensation), including where appropriate seeking exclusion of land from any Order.

(e)  To approve (once vacant possession and planning permission has been obtained) the service of a Final Demolition Notice and the demolition of the buildings and structures on the land edged red in Appendices 1 to 3.


The disposal of land at Broadlands Road and re-provision of allotments at Brickfield Road pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning seeking authority to dispose of land at Broadlands Road and provide allotments in Brickfield Road, attached.



(i)  This report is presented as a general exception item in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules of Part 4 of the Council's Constitution

(ii)  There is a confidential appendix attached to this item that is not for general publication.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (Ref: CAB 10/11 4932)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Workforce Planning, representations from local allotment holders, residents and Members of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve in principle the sale terms of the Broadlands Road allotment site to Southampton University, subject to Secretary of State Consent.

(ii)  To approve the conversion of the land at Brickfield Road into replacement allotment plots, subject to Planning Approval.

(iii)  To delegate authority to Head of Property and Procurement after consultation with the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods to take any such action as considered necessary to facilitate the conversion of the Brickfield Road site into allotments and for the disposal of the Broadlands Road site.